Humpherys Family
Family History
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Aagaard, Gary
Aalto, Kathryn
Aas, Ulf
Abbott, Donald
Abbott, Jacob Bates
Abbott, Tony
Abel, Raymond
Abram, Norm
Abrashkin, Raymond
Achenbach, Joel
Ackroyd, Peter
Adams, Adrienne
Adams, Lewis M.
Adams, Max
Adams, Pauline
Adams, Samuel Hopkins
Adamson, Hans Christian
Adamson, Jack H.
Adelson, Leone
Adkins, Roy
Adler, Dennis
Adler, Helen
Aesop, _
Afanasyev, Alexander
Aiken, Joan
Akmon, Nancy
Akmon, Roni
Aksakov, Sergei
Albert, Susan Wittig
Alberti, Gino
Alborough, Jez
Alcorn, John
Alcott, Louisa May
Alden, Betty
Alden, Raymond Macdonald
Alder, Susan
Alderfer, Jonathan
Aldrich, Bess Streeter
Aldrich, Thomas Bailey
Alexander, Caroline
Alexander, Lloyd
Alexander, Martha
Alexander, Skye
Allan, Mabel Esther
Allan, William
Allen, Allyn
Allen, Anne Elizabeth
Allen, Graham
Allen, Hervey
Allen, Joseph L.
Allen, Laura Jean
Allen, Linda
Allen, Merritt Parmelee
Allen, Nancy Campbell
Allen, Sheila Rosalynd
Allingham, Helen
Allingham, William
Allred, Gordon
Aloise, Frank
Alson, Lawrence
Altendorf, George
Alter, Robert Edmond
Alvord, Douglas
Ambrose, Hugh
Ambrose, Stephen E.
Ambrus, Victor
Amerman, Lockhart
Ames, Lee J.
Ammon, Richard
Amundsen, Richard
Andersen, Hans Christian
Anderson, A. M.
Anderson, Anne
Anderson, Bertha C.
Anderson, Clarence William (C.W.)
Anderson, Fred
Anderson, John Lonzo
Anderson, Rachel
Anderson, Romola
Anderson, Rus
Anderson, Wayne
Andreas, Evelyn
Andreasen, Dan
Andres, Charles J.
Andrews, Julie
Andrews, Martin
Andrews, Mary Evans
Andrews, Roy Chapman
Andrus, Hyrum L.
Angel, Marie
Angelo, Valenti
Anglund, Joan Walsh
Annixter, Paul
Anthony, Evelyn
Apol, Georgette
Appenzeller, Tim
Appleman, Roy
Apy, Michael
Ardizzone, Edward
Aris, Ernest Walter
Arlandson, Leone
Armitage, Joshua Charles (Ionicus)
Armstrong, George
Armstrong, Gerry
Armstrong, William H.
Arno, Enrico
Aronson, Marc
Arrington, Leonard J.
Artley, A. Sterlling
Arundel, Jocelyn
Asbjørnsen, Peter Christen
Ashe, Geoffrey
Ashforth, Camilla
Ashley, Mike
Atchley, Chan
Athearn, Robert G.
Atherton, Nancy
Atkinson, Eleanor
Atkinson, Leslie
Atwater, Richard and Florence
Austen, Jane
Austin, Cary
Austin, Margot
Austin, Mary C.
Authors, Multiple
Authors, Unknown
Averill, Esther
Avery, Gillian
Avery, Kay
Ayer, Margaret
Aylward, W. J.
Aymar, Brandt
Babbitt, Natalie
Baber, Frank
Bacon, Peggy
Baechner, Thomas S.
Bagnold, Enid
Bahnc, Salcia
Bailey, Arthur Scott
Bailey, Bernadine
Bailey, Carolyn Sherwin
Bailey, Edward
Bailey, Karen
Bailey, Paul
Bailey, Peter
Bailey, Roy Rutherford
Bakeless, John
Baker, Alan
Baker, Betty
Baker, Effie E.
Baker, Jerry
Baker, Jo
Baker, Laura Nelson
Baker, Nick
Baker, Nina Brown
Baker, Pearl
Balch, Glenn
Balch, James and Phyllis
Baldacci, David
Baldridge, Cyrus Leroy
Baldwin, John
Ball, Robert
Banbery, Fred
Banks, Eulalie Minfred
Banks, Lynne Reid
Banks, Virginia Mathers
Bannerman, Helen
Bannon, Laura
Barbaresi , Nina
Barber, Richard
Barber, Shirley
Barbour, H. S.
Barker, Cicely Mary
Barker, Juliet
Barklem, Jill
Barlowe, Sy
Barnes, Christine
Barnett, Isa
Barnum, Jay Hyde
Barrett, Andrea
Barrett, Angela
Barrett, Ivan J.
Barrett, Marvin
Barrett, Peter
Barrie, Donald C.
Barrie, James Matthew (J.M.)
Barrow, John
Barrows, Marjorie
Barry, Dave
Barry, Robert E.
Barss, William
Barth, Ernest Kurt
Barton, Patricia
Base, Graeme
Bassett, Arthur R.
Bassett, K. Douglas
Bastin, Marjolein
Batchelor, Julie Forsyth
Bates, Herbert Ernest (H.E.)
Bates, Katharine Lee
Batten, John D.
Battiscombe, Georgina
Battle, Kemp P.
Bauer, John
Baum, Lyman Frank
Baumgarten, Fritz
Baumgartner, William
Bawden, Nina
Baxter, Nicola
Bayley, Dorothy
Baynes, Pauline
Beals, Frank Lee
Bearn, Emily
Beatie, Bernadine
Beaton, M. C.
Beattie, John W.
Beck, Barbara L.
Becker, John E.
Beckett, Sheilah
Beckhard, Arthur J.
Beckhoff, Harry
Beckwith, Lillian
Bedard, Michael
Bedford, Annie North
Bedford, F. D.
Beeby, Betty
Begay, Harrison
Begley, Evelyn M.
Belihar, Carlo
Bell, Anthea
Bell, Dorothy
Belting , Natalia M.
Bemelmans, Ludwig
Benary-Isbert, Margot
Benchley, Nathaniel
Bendel, Ruth
Bendick, Jeanne
Bene?ov?, Alena
Benedictus, David
Beneduce, Ann Keay
Benezra, Barbara
Bennett, Jill
Bennett, Martyn
Bennett, Richard
Bennett, Rowena
Bennett, Veronica
Bennett , William J.
Bennion, Adam S.
Benson, Ezra Taft
Benson, Patrick
Bentley, Nicolas
Benvenuti, _
Berelson, Howard
Berg, Joan Phyllis
Berger, Barbara Helen
Bergere, Richard
Bergman, Ray
Berke, Ernest
Berkova, Dagmar
Bernstein, Zena
Berrett, William Edwin
Berry, Erick
Berry, Julie
Berry, Steve
Berson, Harold
Berube, Claude
Beskow, Elsa
Betts, Emmett A.
Betts, Ethel F.
Beyer, Ernestine Cobern
Beyer, Rick
Beyer, Walter F.
Bice, Clare
Bickerstaff, George
Bickham, Jack M.
Biffle, Sally Fortner
Biggers, Jan D.
Biggerstaff, Alice Ann
Bihn, Max
Bilder, A.K.
Bilibin, Ivan
Billings, Richard N.
Bing, Christopher
Bird, Glen
Birdsall, Jeanne
Birmingham, Christian
Birtwistle, Sue
Bishop, Claire Huchet
Bishop, Patrick A.
Bixler, Margaret T.
Bjorklund, Lorence
Blackmoore, Richard Doddridge (R.D.)
Blair, Peter Hunter
Blaisdell, Elinore
Blake, Quentin
Blake, Vivienne
Blassingame, Wyatt
Blecher, Wilfried
Blegvad, Eric
Blegvad, Lenore
Blevins, Winfred
Bliven Jr., Bruce
Block, Irvin
Bloxham, James R.
Bly, Steve
Blyton, Enid
Bober, Natalie S.
Bock, Vera
Bock, Williams Saut
Bodecker, Niels Mogens
Boey, Stephanie
Boker, Irving
Bolognese, Don
Bolton, Michael
Bond, Anna
Bond, Gladys Baker
Bond, Guy L.
Bond, Michael
Bond, Nancy
Boni, Margaret Bradford
Bonner, Paul Hyde
Bonsall, Crosby Newell
Bonzon, Paul-Jacques
Booss, Claire
Borden, Charles A.
Borden, Louise
Borden, Marion
Bordewich, Fergus
Borge, Eric
Borneman, Walter R.
Borrowman, Jerry
Borski, Lucia Merecka
Bortolussi, Lee Ann
Boshinski, Blanche
Boston, Frederick James
Boston, Lucy Maria
Boston, Peter
Bothwell, Jean
Boucher, Sharon
Bourne, Eleanor
Boux, Dorothy
Bowden, Joan Chase
Bowden, Mark
Bowen, Betsy
Bowers, Gwendolyn
Bowman, Leslie W.
Boyce, Burke
Boyd, Jack
Boyd, James
Boyde, Richard
Brabbs, Derry
Bradbury, John
Bradley, James
Bradley, Marion Zimmer
Bradley , Omar
Brady, Irene
Brady, Patricia
Brady, Philip
Branch, John
Branch, Susan
Brand, Christianna
Brandenberg, Aliki
Brander, Michael
Brands, H. W.
Bray, Phyllis
Brennan, Cait
Brenzel, Kathleen
Breslin, Howard
Brett, Jan
Brevannes, Maurice
Brice, Tony
Brick, John
Brickdale, Eleanor Fortescue
Briers, Erica
Briggs, Katherine Mary
Bright, Robert
Brightwell, Emily
Brink, Carol Ryrie
Briscoe, William S.
Brisley, Joyce Lankester
Bristow, Gwen
Brodie, Fawn McKay
Brokaw, Tom
Bromhall, Winifred
Brontë, Charlotte
Brontë, Emily
Brook, Judith
Brooke, L. Leslie
Brooker, Christopher
Brookhiser, Richard
Brooks, Andrea
Brooks, Elbridge S.
Brooks, Geraldine
Brooks, Terry
Brooks, Walter R.
Brown, Dale
Brown, Dan
Brown, Dee Alexander
Brown, John Mason
Brown, Judith Gwynn
Brown, Marcia
Brown, Margaret Wise
Brown, Matthew B.
Brown, Michael
Brown, Palmer
Brown, Paul
Brown, Ruth
Brown, S. Kent
Brown, Slater
Brown, Vinson
Brown, Wayne
Browne, Frances
Browne, Syd
Browning, Colleen
Browning, John M.
Browning, Robert
Broyles, Trudy
Bruce, Dana
Bruce, Suzanne
Brule, Al
Brundage, Frances
Brustlein, Janice
Bryan, Brigitte
Bryant, Arthur
Bryant, Dean
Bryant, Hope Slaughter
Bryant, Samuel Hanks
Buchan, John
Buchwald, Emilie
Buck, Margaret Waring
Buck, Pearl S.
Buckels, Alec
Budiansky, Stephen
Buehr, Walter
Buff, Mary and Conrad
Bulette, Sara
Bull, Rene
Bulla, Clyde Robert
Bunker, Mayo
Bunting , Eve
Burchard, Peter
Burd, Clara M.
Burger, Carl
Burgess, Mark
Burgess, Thornton W.
Burkert, Nancy Ekholm
Burnett, Frances Hodgson
Burnett, W. R.
Burnford, Sheila
Burningham, John
Burns, Eric
Burns, Ken
Burroughs, Edgar Rice
Burroughs, Lucy Post
Burrow, Barbara
Burrows, Peggy
Burt, Olive Woolley
Burt, William Henry
Burton, Virginia Lee
Busath, Don
Busch, Paul
Bushman, Richard Lyman
Busoni, Raffaello
Butcher, Samuel J.
Butters, Dorothy Gilman
Butterworth, Oliver
Byrd, Ernestine N.
Bywaters, Lynn
Cady, Harrison
Calabro, Marian
Caldecott, Randolph
Caldecott, Rosalind
Calhoun, Mary
Call, Greg
Call, Hughie
Calloway, Colin G.
Cameron, Eleanor
Campbell, Alfred Stuart
Campbell, Grant
Campbell, Lang
Campbell, Mary Mason
Campbell, Ruth
Campbell, Virginia
Candy, Robert
Canfield, Cass
Cann, Helen
Canning, Victor
Cannon, George Q.
Capps, Benjamin
Caraway, James
Carbone, Gerald M.
Card, Orson Scott
Carhart, Thad
Carlin, Steve
Carlson, Bernice Wells
Carlson, Natalie Savage
Carmer, Elizabeth and Carl
Carnarvon, Lady Fiona
Carpenter, Frances
Carr, Harriett H.
Carr, Marion B.
Carr, Mary Jane
Carroll, Latrobe
Carroll, Lewis
Carroll, Ruth
Carson, Edmund
Carter, Herbert
Carter, Ron
Carter, Russell Gordon
Cary, Barbara
Cary, Louis F.
Cassidy, Clara
Castellon, Fred
Castor, Henry
Cate, Deane
Cather, Carolyn
Cather, Willa
Catherall, Arthur
Catherwood, Mary Hartwell
Cattaneo, Piero
Catton, Bruce
Caudill, Rebecca
Cavanah, Frances
Cellini, Joseph
Chadwick, Elizabeth
Chafetz, Henry
Chaffin, Tom
Chaiko, Ted
Chalk, Gary
Chalmers, Mary
Chamberlain, Samuel
Chance, Lulu Maude
Chandler, Edna Walker
Chapman , Frederick T.
Chappell, Warren
Charlot, Jean
Charlton, James
Charlton, Michael
Chase, John
Chase, Mary Jane
Chase, Richard
Chaundler, Christine
Chavez, Edward
Cheadle, Dave
Chenault, Nell
Chernow, Ron
Cherr, Pat
Cherry, Lynne
Chesney, Marion
Chessman, Ruth
Chesterton, Gilbert Keith (G.K.)
Chesworth, Michael
Chiaverini, Jennifer
Chittenden, Margaret
Choate, Florence
Chorao, Kay Sproat
Christensen, Gardell D.
Christensen, James C.
Christenson, Thelma
Christian, George
Christian, Mary Blount
Christiansen, Suzanne H.
Christie, Agatha
Christy, Howard Chandler
Chubb, Thomas Caldecot
Chung, Chi
Church, Alfred J.
Church, Elsie
Church, Francis P.
Church, Richard
Churchill, Frank E.
Churchill, Winston S.
Ciardiello, Joseph
Cirlin, Edgard
Clancy, Tom
Claret, Maria
Clark, Ann Nolan
Clark, Betsey
Clark, Emma Chichester
Clark, Margery
Clark, Mary Cowles
Clark, Mary Higgins
Clark, Ronald W.
Clark Jr., J. Reuben
Clarke, Grace
Clarke, Harry
Clarke, Mollie
Clavell, James
Clayton-Payne, Andrew
Cleary, Beverly
Cleaver, Vera and Bill
Clemens, Samuel L.
Clements, Ken
Cleven, Cathrine Seward
Clewes, Dorothy
Climo, Shirley
Cline, Edward
Cloete, Stuart
Cloke, Rene
Cluff , Tom
Clyne, Barbara
Coatsworth, Elizabeth Jane
Cober, Alan
Coblenz, Catherine Cate
Cody, William F.
Coe, Ida
Coe, Lloyd
Coerr, Eleanor
Coggins, Jack
Coghlan, Eileen
Cohen, Barbara
Coldsmith, Don
Cole, Dick
Cole, Henry
Cole, Milton
Coleman, James C.
Coleman, R. Pallen
Coll, Steve
Collett, Farrell R.
Collier, Edmund
Collier, Eric
Colling, Susan
Collins, Carolyn Strom
Collins, Fred
Collins, Ruth P.
Collins, Suzanne
Collins, Wilkie
Collodi, Carlo
Colson, Thora
Colum, Padraic
Comfort, Mildred Houghton
Commager, Henry Steele
Commins, Dorothy Berliner
Comparetti, Alice
Compton, Lynn
Conacher, J.
Conford, Ellen
Conger, M.
Conklin, Gladys
Connolly, Jerome P.
Connor, Ralph
Conover, Chris
Conrad, Joseph
Considine, Bob
Cook, Brian
Cooke, Donald Ewin
Coolidge, Olivia E.
Coombs, Lovell
Coombs, Patricia
Cooney, Barbara
Cooney, Caroline B.
Coonts, Stephen
Cooper, James Fenimore
Cooper, Marjorie
Cooper, Susan
Copeland, Donalda McKillop
Copeland, Eric
Copelman, Evelyn
Corbett, Pearson H.
Corcoran, Barbara
Corcos, Lucille
Cordell, Michael
Cordingly, David
Cornwall, James Marshall
Cornwell, Bernard
Corwin, Eleanor
Cory, David
Cosgrave, John O'Hara
Cosson, M. J.
Costain, Thomas Bertram
Costanza, Peter
Cote, Pamela
Couch, Dick
Cousins, Margaret
Cowan, Edward J.
Cowley, Matthias F.
Cox, Palmer
Coy, Harold
Coyle, Philip M.
Craft, Charlotte
Craft, Kinuko Y.
Craft, Mahlon F.
Craik, Dinah Mulock
Cram, L. D.
Crampton, Gertrude
Crane, Stephen
Crane, Walter
Cranford, Martha
Crawford, Mel
Credle, llis
Creech, Sharon
Cremin, Aedeen
Creswick, Paul
Crichton, Michael
Critchfield, Carol
Croker, Richard
Cronin, Archibald Joseph (A.J.)
Crossley-Holland, Kevin
Crouse, Anna and Russell
Crowe, Derek
Crowell, Pers
Crowther, Duane S.
Crump, Christopher
Cuffari, Richard J.
Cummings, Betty Sue
Cunningham, David
Cunningham, Marion
Curry, Charles Madison
Curtis, Alice Bertha
Curtis, Elizabeth
Curtiss, Marian Foster (Mariana)
Curtiss, Phebe A.
Curwood, James Oliver
Cushman, Jean
Cussler, Clive
Custer, Elizabeth B.
Cuyler, Margery
D'Amato, Alex
D'Amato, Janet
D'Andrea, Domenick
D'Archille, Gino
D'Avignon, Sue
D'Orazio, Federica
Dahl, Roald
Daily, Don
Dale , Anna
Dalgliesh, Alice
Dalmais, Anne-Marie
Daly, Kathleen N.
Daly, Maureen
Damm, David
Damon, Valerie Hubbard
Dana Jr. , Richard Henry
Daniel, Anita
Daniel, Ian
Daniel, Mark
Daniels, Guy
Daniels, Jonathan
Danska, Herbert
Daringer, Helen Fern
Darling, Louis
Darwin, Beatrice
Daughan, George C.
Daugherty, Harry
Daugherty, James
Daugherty, Sonia
Davies, Andrew
Davies, Gill
Davies, Hunter
Davies, Jack
Davies, Valentine
Davis, Barbara S.
Davis, Bette J.
Davis, Burke
Davis, Jack
Davis, Lavinia R.
Davis, Marguerite
Davis, William C.
Day, David
De Angeli, Marguerite
De Bruhl, Marshall
De Brunhoff, Jean
De Frehn, Sally
De Groote, Michael
De Hartog, Jan
De Kay, James T.
De Kay, Ormonde
De la Mare, Walter
De La Ramee, Louise (Ouida)
De La Roche, Mazo
De Leeuw, Cateau
De Lint, Charles
De Maupassant, Guy
De Nunez, Ben
De Regniers, Beatrice Schenk
De Santis, George
De V. Lee, Manning
De Veyrac, Robert
De Villeneuve, Gabrielle-Suzanne
De Witt, Elfrieda
De Wohl, Louis
Deal, L. Kate
Deans, Bob
Defoe, Daniel
Dehn, Adolf
Dejong, David Cornel
DeJong, Meindert
Delage, Ida
Delahaye, Gilbert
Delamare, David
DeLancey, Floy Winks
Delaney, Frank
Delderfield, Ronald Frederick
Demos, John
Dempster, Al
Dempster, William
Dennis, Wesley
dePaola, Tomie
Detzer, David
Deucher, Sybil
Deutsch, Babette
Devine, Dottig
Devine, Louise Lawrence
Devlin, Harry
Devlin, Wende
DeVoto, Bernard
Dew, Sheri L.
Dewar, Bob
Dewey, Richard Lloyd
Dewey, Simon
DeWitt, Cornelius Hugh
Di Fiori, Lawrence
Di Valentin, Maria M.
Diaz, David
DiCamillo, Kate
Dickens, Charles
Dicker, Kate
Dickinson, Alec
Dickinson, Emily
Dickman, Mildred
Digest, Reader's
Dillon, Corrine B.
Dillon, Leo and Diane
Dines, Glen
Diodorov, Boris
DiSalvo-Ryan, DyAnne
Disney Studios, Walt
Dixon, Franklin W.
Dixon, Rachel Taft
Dixon, Ruth
Doane, Pelagie
Dodge, Mary Mapes
Dolan, Terrance
Dolbier, Maurice
Dolch, Edward W.
Dolch, Marguerite P.
Dolin, Eric Jay
Domanska, Janina
Donahey, William
Donald, Aida D.
Donald, David Herbert
Donaldson, Joan
Doolittle, James H.
Doore, Clarence
Dore, Gustave
Doremus, Robert
Dorman, Brandon
Dortan, Edith
Dos Santos, Joyce Audy
Dougherty, Karla
Douglas, Lloyd C.
Douglas, Pierre
Douglas, Ronald MacDonald
Douglas, William O.
Dowd, Victor
Doyle, Arthur Conan
Doyle, Richard
Doyle, William
Draper, Richard D.
Driggs, Howard R.
Driggs, Perry
Driscoll, Barry
Drury, Bob
Du Bois, Theodora
Du Bois, William Pene
Du Maurier, Daphne
Dudash, C. Michael
Duff, Gail
Duffy, Daniel
Duffy, James P.
Dugan, William
Dulac, Edmund
Dumas, Alexandre
Duncan, Dayton
Dunlop, Hope
Dunn, Jane
Dunnington, Tom
Duplaix, Georges
Durand, Paul
Durham, David Anthony
Duvoisin, Roger
Dwight, Allan
Dykema, Peter W.
Dyment, John
Eager, Edward
Eagle, Helen
Eckart, Frances
Eckelberry, Don R.
Eckert, Allan W.
Ecuyer, Lee
Ede, Janina
Edens, Cooper
Edes, Richard
Edholm, Lizette
Edmonds, Walter Dumaux
Edsel, Robert M.
Edwards, Pamela Duncan
Eggenhofer, Nicholas
Eggleston, Edward
Eggleston, George Cary
Eichenberg, Fritz
Einzig, Susan
Eisen, Armand
Eisenberg, Harvey
Eldridge, Ethel J.
Eldridge, Harold
Eldridge, Mildred Elsie
Elgin, Kathleen
Elgin, Mary
Eliot, George
Eliot, George Fielding
Elkin, Benjamin
Elkins, Richard I.
Elliot, Geraldine
Elliot , Gertrude
Elliot, Laura Malone
Ellis, Joseph J.
Elson, William H.
Elting, Mary
Elwart, Joan Potter
Elwood, Muriel
Embry, Margaret
Emerson, Caroline D.
Emery, Anne
Enders, Lucille
Endres, Helen
Engelbreit, Mary
Enright, Elizabeth
Epstein, Samuel
Erdrich, Louise
Erickson, Carolly
Erickson, Phoebe
Erickson, Raymond
Erickson, Russell E.
Eriksson, Eva
Ering, Timothy Basil
Escott, Tony
Espenscheid, Gertrude Elliott
Esplin, Ronald K.
Estep, Irene
Estes, Eleanor
Ets, Marie Hall
Evans, Adelaide Bee
Evans, Eva Knox
Evans, George
Evans, Jane Susa
Evans, John Henry
Evans, Katherine
Evans, Nicholas
Evans, Pauline Rush
Evans, Sandi Gore
Evans, Vivian
Everett, Fred
Everitt, Anthony
Evers, Helen And Alf
Every, Dale Van
Ewen, David
Eyre-Todd, George
Eyring, Henry J.
Faber, Doris
Fadiman, Clifton
Fairweather, Jessie Home
Falconer, Pearl
Falk, Elsa
Falkenstein, Wolff Von (Wolo)
Fall, C.B
Faragher, John Mack
Farjeon, Eleanor
Farley, Walter
Farnsworth, Bill
Farnsworth, Frances Joyce
Farre, Rowena
Fast, Howard
Fatio, Louise
Faulkner, Georgene
Faulkner, Nancy
Fava, Rita
Fazio, James R.
Feagles, Anita MacRae
Featherstone, Donald
Featherstone, Vaughn J.
Feder, Joshua B.
Feeny, Bill
Feiffer, Jules
Feirer, John L.
Felker, Keo Verl
Fellowes , Julian
Felt, Marie F.
Felton, Harold W.
Fenner, Phyllis R.
Ferber, Edna
Ferling, John
Fernie, John
Ferris, Helen Josephine
Fiammenghi, Gioia
Ficter, George
Fiedler, Jean
Field, Eugene
Field, Rachel
Finch, Winnie
Fiore, Peter M.
Fiorentino, Al
Firman, Ethel H.
Fischer, David Hackett
Fishbein, Seymour L.
Fisher, Aileen Lucia
Fisher, Dorothy Canfield
Fisher, Leonard Everett
Fitz-Enz, David G.
Fitz-Simon, Christopher
Fitzgerald, John D.
Fitzgerald, Sheila
Fitzhugh, Louise
Fix, Philippe
Flack, Marjorie
Flaubert, Gustave
Fleischman, Sid
Fleishman, Seymour
Fleming, Ian
Fleming, Thomas
Fletcher, Inglis
Flexner, James Thomas
Fligg, Kathryn
Floca, Brian
Floethe, Richard
Florian, _
Flower, Kelsey
Flower, Phyllis
Flynn, Barbara
Flynn, Vince
Flythe Jr., Starkey
Fogarty, Thomas
Foley, Caroline
Foley, Martha
Follett, Ken
Foote, John M.
Forberg, Ati
Forbes, Esther
Ford, Daniel
Ford, Henry J.
Foreman, Laura
Foreman, Michael
Foresman, Scott
Forester, Cecil Scott (C.S.)
Forman, Samuel A.
Forstchen, William R.
Forster, Edward Morgan (E.M.)
Forster, Peter
Fortnum, Peggy
Foster, Alan Dean
Foster, Doris
Foster, G. Allen
Foster, Genevieve
Foster, George
Foster, John T.
Foster, Walter Bertram
Fox, Dorothea Warren
Fox, Frances Margaret
Fox, Paula
Fox Jr., John
Foyle, Kathleen
Frampton, David
Frank, Anne
Frank, Josette
Frank, Mary
Frankel, Bernice
Frankel, Si
Frankenberg, Robert
Franklin, Benjamin
Franklin, George Cory
Franks, Tommy
Frary, Marie H.
Fraser, David
Fraser, Peter
Fraser, Phyllis
Freedman, Barnett
Freeman, Don
Freeman, Margaret
Freeman, Philip
Freeman, T. R.
Freschet, Berniece
Freschet, Gina
Freuchen, Peter
Freund, Rudolph
Friberg, Arnold
Friedman, Frieda
Friedrich, Priscilla
Friend, Esther
Friskey, Margaret
Frith, Henry
Frith, Michael K.
Fritz, Jean
Frohlicher, John C.
Frost, Arthur Burdett
Frost, Bruno
Frost, Frances
Frost, Robert
Froud, Brian
Fry, Nora
Fry, R. O.
Fry , Rosalie K.
Frye, Mary Hamilton
Fuertes, Louis Agassiz
Fujikawa, Gyo
Fullerton, Margaret
Fulton, George
Fulton, Reed
Funai, Mamoru
Funk, Clothilde Embree
Funke, Cornelia
Fyleman, Rose
Gabaldon, Diana
Gael, Juliet
Gaggin, Eva Roe
Gaiman, Neil
Gaines, James R.
Galdone, Paul
Gale, Elizabeth
Gale, Leah
Gallico, Paul
Galsworthy, John
Gammell, Stephen
Gannett, Ruth Chrisman
Gannett, Ruth Stiles
Gans, Roma
Gardiner, John Reynolds
Gardiner, Leslie
Garelick, May
Garfield, Leon
Garis, Howard R.
Garland, Joseph E.
Garner, Joe
Garnier, Charles-Marie
Garrard, Phillis
Garrett, Helen
Garriott, Gene
Garris, Norma and Dan
Garrison, Webb B.
Garrity, Devin A.
Garst, Shannon
Garthwaite, Marion
Gaskell, Elizabeth Cleghorn
Gaskin, Catherine
Gaspard, Helen
Gates, Arthur I.
Gates, Doris
Gates, Richard
Gatti, David
Gavin, Jamila
Gavy, _
Gay, Romney
Gay, Zhenya
Geary, Clifford
Gebler, Ernest
Geer, Charles H.
Geis, Darlene
Geisel, Theodor (Dr. Seuss)
George, Jean Craighead
George, Jessica Day
Gergely, Tibor
Gerson, Noel Bertram
Gerzina, Gretchen Holbrook
Giannini, _
Gibbons, Francis M.
Gibbs, Mary
Gibson, Edward W.
Gibson, Katherine
Gibson, Mary Richards
Gienapp, William E.
Gies, Miep
Gilbert, Henry
Gilbert, Nan
Gilbreth, Frank and Ernestine
Giles, Janice Holt
Gilkison, Grace
Gill, Margery
Gilleece, David
Gillen, Denver
Gillon, Steven M.
Gilroy, Ruth G.
Gingrich, Newt
Gipson, Morrell
Gire, Ken
Gischler, Pearl Clements
Glanzman, Louis
Glasscock, Joyce
Glassie, Henry
Glassman, Peter
Glaubke, Robert
Gleeson, Joseph M.
Glemser, Bernard
Glenn, Mabelle
Glover, Lorri
Gobbato, Imero
Gobbell, John J.
Godden, Rumer
Godwin, Edward and Stephani
Godwin, Frank
Gogerty, Clare
Goldman, William
Goldsborough, June
Goldstein, Nathan
Golway, Terry
Goodall, John Strickland (J.S.)
Goode, Diane
Goodenow, Earle
Goodenow, Girard
Goodnough, David
Goodspeed, M. Hill
Gordon, Elizabeth
Gordon, Patricia
Gordy, Wilbur Fisk
Gorey, Edward
Gorham, Michael
Gorsline, Douglas
Goss, Madeleine B.
Gotleb, Jules
Gottlieb, Gerald
Goudey, Alice E.
Goudge, Elizabeth
Gower, Francis
Graef, Renee
Grafe, Max
Graff, Stewart and Polly
Graham, Alberta Powell
Graham, Betty
Graham, Kennon
Graham, Margaret Bloy
Graham, Winston
Grahame, Kenneth
Gramatky, Hardie
Granberg, Wilbur
GrandPr?, Mary
Grannan, Mary
Grant, Bruce
Grant, Elisabeth
Grant, Gordon
Grant, Joseph Clarence
Grant, Ulysses S.
Graves, Charles Parlin
Gray, Elizabeth Janet
Gray, William S.
Grayland, Valerie
Grayson, David
Greaves, Margare
Greeley, Andrew M.
Green, Adam
Green, Donna
Greenaway, Kate
Greenberg, Lorna
Greenberg, Martin H.
Greene, Ellin
Greenwalt, Mary
Gregori, Leon
Gresham, Tom
Gress, Joanna
Grey, Edward
Grey, Zane
Grider, Dorothy
Gridley, Janice
Gridley, Marion E.
Grierson, Edward
Griffin, Gillett
Griffith, Judith Ann
Griffiths, Sally
Grimm, Jacob and Wilhelm
Grin, Alexander
Grisham, John
Gristwood, Sarah
Groh, Lynn
Grose, Helen M.
Grossman, John
Grossman, Nancy
Grover, Eulalie Osgood
Grube, Gerhard
Gruelle, Johnny
Gruenberg, Sidonie Matsner
Guest, Ken and Denise
Guillot, Rene
Guillou, Jan
Guinn, Jeff
Guitar, Jeremy
Gulbranssen, Trygve
Gulick, Bill
Gulkin, Sidney
Gunder, Eman
Gunther, John
Gurney, Gene
Gurney, James
Gustafson, Scott
Guthridge, Sue
Guthrie, Alfred Bertram (A.B.)
Guthrie, Vee
Guttridge, Leonard F.
H?mori , L?szl?
Haas, Dorothy
Haas, Irene
Hackett, Walter
Hader, Berta and Elmer
Hadsell, Alice
Haggard, H. Rider
Hague, Kathleen
Hague, Michael
Hahn, Emily
Haig-Brown, Roderick Langmere
Haining, Peter
Hainsworth, Brad E.
Halberstadt, Hans
Hald, Nils Christian
Hale, Edward Everett
Hale, Lucretia Peabody
Hale, Shannon
Haley, James L.
Hall, Bill
Hall , Donald
Hall, Douglas
Hall, H. Tom
Hall, Marjory
Hall, Rosalys Haskell
Hall, Zo?
Hallock, Ruth Mary
Hamilton, Carol
Hamilton, Elizabeth
Hamilton, Helen S.
Hamilton, Mary
Hammond, William
Hamner Jr., Earl
Hancock, Mary A.
Hanks, Ephraim K.
Hanna, David
Hansen, Harry
Harding, Alison
Hardinge, Frances
Hardy, Marjorie
Hardy, Thomas
Hargreaves, Martin
Hark, Ann
Harley, Ruth
Harman, Claire
Harmer, Mabel
Harper, Wilhelmina
Harris, Bill
Harris, Dorothy Joan
Harris, Joel Chandler
Harris, Louise and Norman Dyer
Harris, Paul
Harris, Robert
Harrison, David L.
Hartman, C. L.
Hartnet, Sonya
Hartwell, Marjorie
Harvey, Robert
Haslam, Matthew J.
Haslehust, E. W.
Hatherell, William
Haugaard, Erik Christian
Hauge, Carl and Mary
Hauman, George and Doris
Havighurst, Walter
Haviland, Virginia
Hawes, Alexander Boyd
Hawes, Charles Boardman
Hawkes, Kevin
Hawkins, Emily
Hawkins, Irene
Hawkins, Sheila
Hawkinson, John
Hawthorne, Julian
Hawthorne, Nathaniel
Hayden, Charles
Hayden, Gwendolen Lampshire
Hayes, Geoffrey
Hayes, Sheila
Hays, Wilma Pitchford
Haywood, Carolyn
Hazeltine, Alice Isabel
Hazelton, Elizabeth Baldwin
Hazen, Barbara Shook
Heard, Sarah Dow
Heath, Janet Field
Heatherington, Mildred Lyon
Heatley, Michael
Heaton, H. R.
Heers, Jacques
Heggen, Thomas
Heiderstadt, Dorothy
Heilbroner, Joan
Heimann, Judith M.
Heldt, Carl
Helfrick, Rob
Helmer, M. Jane
Helps, Racey
Helquist, Brett
Hemingway, Donald W.
Hemingway, Ernest
Henderson, Bruce
Henderson, Dave
Hendrickson, David
Hendry, Frances Mary
Henneberger, Robert
Hennessy, John
Henry, Marguerite
Henterly, Jamichael
Hepworth, Philip
Herrin, Judith
Herriott, James
Hesketh, Christian
Hester, Kathleen B.
Heughan, Sam
Heyer, Georgette
Heyerdahl, Thor
Heyward, DuBose
Hibbert, Christopher
Hickman, Josiah E.
Hickok, Lorena A.
Higgins, Don
Higgins, Helen Boyd
Higgins, Jack
Hilder, Rowland
Hilditch, Gwen
Hildreth, Gertrude
Hill, Mabel Betsy
Hill, Ralph Nading
Hill, Stuart
Hill, Susan
Hillenbrand, Laura
Hillerman, Tony
Hillman, Priscilla
Hinckley, Bryant S.
Hinckley, Gordon B.
Hines, Stephen W.
Hitte, Kathryn
Hoban, Lillian
Hoban, Russell
Hobart, Lois
Hobbie, Holly
Hobbs, Anne
Hobbs, Will
Hodge, Helen G.
Hodges, C. Walter
Hodges, Carl G.
Hodges, Margaret
Hoeflich, Sherman C.
Hoff, Carol
Hoff, Terry
Hoffman, Miriam
Hoffmann, Ernst Theodor (E.T.A.)
Hoffmann, Hilde
Hofmann, Melita
Hofmann, William
Hofsinde, Robert
Hogan, Inez
Hogrogian, Nonny
Hogstrom, Daphne Doward
Hoke, Helen
Holaves, Sharon
Holberg, Richard
Holberg, Ruth Langland
Holbrook, Ruth
Holbrook, Stewart H.
Holden, Edith
Holden, Raymond James (R.J.)
Holden, Susannah
Holl, Adelaide
Holland, Isabelle
Holland, Janice
Holland, Patricia T.
Holland, Rupert Sargent
Holling, Lucille
Holmberg, James J.
Holmes, Efner Tudor
Holmes, Lesley
Holmes, Mary
Holmes, Sally
Holt, Shirley
Holt, Victoria
Holtby, Winifred
Holton, Martha Adelaide
Homer, _
Hood, Marguerite V.
Hooper, Van B.
Hoopes, Florence
Hoover, Helen
Hope, Laura Lee
Hopkins, Andrea
Hopkins, Hildegarde
Hoppes, Jonna Doolittle
Horgan, Thomas Patrick
Hornblow, Leonora
Horowitz, Caroline
Horton, George A.
Horwich, Frances R.
Horwood, William
Hosford, Dorothy G.
Hoskins, Gayle
Hoskins, Winfield
Hoskisson, Paul Y.
Hough, Henry Beetle
Hough Jr., John
Houser, Allan
Housman, Laurence
Houston, Gloria
Hoving, Thomas
Howard, Joan
Howard, Leland
Howard, Paul
Howard, Vicky
Howatch, Susan
Howe, Caroline Walton
Howell, Troy
Hubka, Betty
Huemer, Dick
Hughes, Dean
Hughes, Glyn
Hughes, Jane
Hughes, Rupert
Hughes, Shirley
Hughes, Thomas Alexander
Huish, Marcus B.
Hulne, Violane
Humphrey, Maude
Humphreys, Dena
Hunsaker, Joyce Badgley
Hunt, George Pinney
Hunt, Irene
Hunt, James
Hunt, Mabel Leigh
Hunt, Peter
Hunter, Howard W.
Hunter, Milton R.
Hunter, Mollie
Hunter, Norman
Hunter, Rodello
Hunter, Stan
Hunter, Virginia
Hurd, Clement
Hurd, Edith Thacher
Hurd, Peter
Hurford, Miriam Story
Hurley, William
Hurlock, Fiona
Hussey, Charmian
Hussong, Clara
Hutchins, Ross E.
Hutchinson, William M
Huxley, Aldous
Huygen, Wil
Hyde, William DeWitt
Hylton, Bill
Hyman, Trina Schart
Ibatoulline, Bagram
Ibbotson, Eva
Iggulden, Conn
Ingelow, Jean
Ingpen, Robert
Innes, Nancy
Innes, Thomas
Irvin, Fred M.
Irving, Washington
Irwin, Don
Irwin, Grace
Isaacson, Walter
Isele, Elizabeth
Iverson, William J.
Ives, Ruth
Ivey, Eowyn
Ivory, Lesley Anne
Jablonski, Edward
Jackson, Billy M.
Jackson, Charlotte
Jackson, Kathryn
Jackson, Lois
Jackson, Patricia
Jackson, Pauline
Jackson, Polly
Jackson, Shirley
Jacobs, Joseph
Jacobs, Leland B.
Jacques, Brian
Jacques, Robin
Jakes, John
James, Sandra
Jane, Mary C.
Jane, Pamela
Janeway, Elizabeth
Jansson, Tove
Jaques, Faith
Jaques, Francis Lee
Jarrell, Randall
Jeal, Tim
Jeffers, Susan
Jefferson, Robert L.
Jenkins, Roy
Jenkins-Brady, Terri
Jennings, John
Jensen, Margie Calhoun
Jensen, Niels
Jensen, Paul
Jensen, Robin Scott
Jermann, David
Jeruchim, Simon
Jewett, Eleanore M.
Jewett, Sarah Orne
Joerns, Consuelo
Johnson, Crockett
Johnson, Edgar
Johnson, Eleanor M.
Johnson, Forrest Bryant
Johnson, Gerald W.
Johnson, Harper
Johnson, John E.
Johnson, Jose Cisneros
Johnson, Mabel Hubbard
Johnson, Milton
Johnson, Pamela
Johnson, William M.
Johnson, William Weber
Johnston, David M.
Johnston, Johanna
Johnston, Tony
Johnston, William
Johnstone, Janet and Anne Grahame
Jones, Clair
Jones, Elizabeth Orton
Jones, Gracia N.
Jones, Harold
Jones, Jessie Orton
Jones, Mary Alice
Jordan, Robert P.
Joshi, Sunand Tryambak
Joslin, Sesyle
Joyce, William
Judson, Clara Ingram
Juergens, Mary
Junge, Carl
Juster, Norton
Justus, May
Kahn, Arnie
Kane, Harnett T.
Kane, Herbert
Kane, Sharon
Kantor, MacKinlay
Kapayo, Everett
Kaplan, Justin
Karlin, Eugene
Kaufman, Mervyn D.
Kaufman, Pamela
Kaufmann, Helen L.
Kavanagh, Herminie Templeton
Kaye, Mary Margaret (M.M.)
Keane, John Brendan
Keating, John
Keats, Ezra Jack
Keeping, Charles
Keith, Eros
Keith, Harold
Keller, Frances Ruth
Kelly, Becky
Kelly, C. Brian
Kelly, Eric Philbrook
Kelly, Orr and Mary
Kelly, Regina Z.
Kelsey, Richard
Kemp-Welch, Lucy
Kendall , Grant
Kennedy, Albert Ernest (A.E.)
Kennedy, Frances H.
Kennedy, H. O.
Kennedy, Paul
Kennedy, Richard
Kennel, Moritz
Kent, G.
Kenward, Jean
Kernoff, Harry
Kerr, Alfred
Kerr, George F.
Kerr, Mildred Lewis
Ketchum, Richard M.
Key, Alexander
Keyes, Frances Parkinson
Keyes, Nelson Beecher
Khoury, Raymond
Kidd, Thomas S.
Kiddell-Monroe, Joan
Kielty, Bernardine
Kieran, Margaret and John
Kigel, Richard
Kilian, Michael
Kilmeade, Brian
Kimball, Spencer W.
Kimbrough, Emily
Kimishima, Hisako
Kimmel, Elizabeth Cody
Kincaid, Eric
Kincaid, Lucy
King, Dorothea
King, Hannah T.
King, Morrill Whitney
King, Patricia
King, Ron
King, Ross
King-Smith, Dick
Kingman, Lee
Kingsley, Charles
Kinkade, Thomas
Kinscella, Hazel Gertrude
Kinsey-Warnock, Natalie
Kinstler, Everett Raymond
Kipling, Rudyard
Kirby, C. Valentine
Kirk, Maria L.
Kirkpatrick, Jane
Kirmse, Marguerite
Kissinger, Barbara Hallman
Kittelsen, Theodor
Kjelgaard, Jim
Klassen , Julie
Kleinberg, Naomi
Klepacki, Kazimir
Klinting, Lars
Kneen, Maggie
Knight, Clayton
Knight, Eric
Knight, Hal
Knight, Hilary
Knight, Janet
Knight, John
Knight, Roger
Koch-Gotha, Fritz
Kochergin, N. M.
Koenig, JoAnne E.
Koering, Ursula
Komroff, Manuel
Konstam, Angus
Konstantelos, Harold
Korach, Mimi
Korda, Michael
Kortepeter, Paul
Koshkin, Alexander
Krakauer, Jon
Krantz, Hazel
Krasilovsky, Phyllis
Kraus, Robert
Krauss, Ruth
Kraynak, George
Kredel, Fritz
Krensky, Stephen
Krinsley, Jeanette
Krist, Bob
Kroll, Francis Lynde
Krommes, Beth
Krull, Kathleen
Krupinski, Loretta
Krush, Beth and Joe
Kubinyi, Laszlo
Kuhl, Jerome
Kuhn, Bob
Kunhardt, Dorothy
Kunstler, Mort
Kurkin, Alexander
Kuskin, Karla
Kyle, Elisabeth
L'Amour, Louis
L'Engle, Madeleine
Labunski, Richard
Lackey, William
Lacz, Kevin
Lagerlöf, Selma
Laing, Jane
Laite, Gordon
Lamb, Charles and Mary
Lambert, J. K.
Lamut, Sonja
Landon, Michael N.
Lane, Frederick A.
Lane, Margaret
Lang, Andrew
Langguth, A. J.
Langley, Jonathan
Langrish, Katherine
Langstaff, John
Laoutaris, Chris
Lape, Pranas
LaPlante, Eve
Laqueur, Alys
Larom, Henry V.
Larrecq, John M.
Larrick, Nancy
Lasker, Joe
Latham, Jean Lee
Lathrop, Dorothy P.
Lathrop, West
Lauber, Patricia
Laughlin, Clara Elizabeth
Laune, Paul
Lauritzen, Jonreed
Lavender, David Sievert
Lawhead, Stephen R.
Lawrence, Isabelle
Lawrence, John
Lawrence, Josephine
Lawson, Marie
Lawson, Robert
Lawson, Ted W.
Laycock, George
Lazare, Jerry
Le Mair, Henriette Willebeek
Leaf, Anne Sellers
Leaf, Munro
Leapman, Michael
Lear, Edward
Learnard, Rachel
Leason, Percy
Lebenson, Richard
Leckie, Robert
Lee, Alan
Lee, Laurie
Lee, Robert J.
Leeds, Constance
Leeming, Joseph
LeGrand, Edy
Lehane, Brendan
LeHew, Ronald M.
Leighton, Margaret
Lemmon, Robert Stell
Lenski, Lois
Lentz, Paul
Leodhas, Sorche Nic
Leonard, Elmore
Leonard, Rhoda
Leone, Mariano
Leone, Sergio
Lerch, Steffie
Lerner, Carol
Lesko, Zillah
Leslie, Cecil
Lester, Helen
Leventhal, J. P.
Levine, Gail Carson
Levy, Buddy
Lewellen, John Bryan
Lewicki, James
Lewicki, Lillian
Lewin, Ted
Lewis, Clive Staples (C.S.)
Lewis , Frank
Lewis, Hazel West
Lewis, Jean
Lewis, Mary
Lewis, Naomi
Lewis, Oscar
Lewis, Richard
Lilius, Irmelin Sandman
Lillback, Peter A.
Lilly, Kenneth
Linday, Ryllis E.
Lindbergh, Anne Morrow
Lindblom, Steven
Linder , Leslie
Linderman, A. E.
Lindgren, Astrid
Lindgren, Barbro
Lindquist, Jennie D.
Lindsay, Norman
Lines, Kathleen
Linklater, Eric
Linkletter, Art
Linton, Anne
Lionni, Leo
Lisle, Holly
Little, G. A.
Livingston, James
Llimona, Mercedes
Lloyd, Jeremy
Llywelyn, Morgan
Lobel, Anita
Lobel, Arnold
Lockhart, David
Lockhart, Paul
Loeper, John J.
Lofting, Hugh
Lofts, Norah
Loh, George
London, Jack
Lonette, Reisie
Long, Laurel
Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth
Longhena, Maria
Longstreet, James
Loomis, Robert D.
Loots, Barbara Kunz
Lord, Walter
Lorrain, Walter
Losure, Mary
Louden, George and Claire
Love, Robert W.
Lovelace, Maud Hart
Loveland, Seymour
Low, Alice
Low, Elizabeth
Low, Joseph
Lowenstein, Bernice
Lowery, Lawrence F.
Lowitz, Anson
Lowitz, Sadyebeth
Lowrey, Janette Sebring
Lubell, Cecil
Lubell, Winifred
Lucado, Max
Luce, Celia
Luce, Willard
Ludlow, Daniel H.
Luke , Mary
Lund, Gerald N.
Lundbergh, Holger
Lundwall, N. B.
Lunge-Larsen, Lise
Luong , QT
Luttrell, Marcus
Lyford-Pike, Margaret
Lynch, P. J.
Lynch, Patricia
Lynn, Godfrey
Lynn, Patricia
Lyons, David
Lyons, Dorothy
Lyons, Oren
Lyttleton, Kay
Maas, Dorothy
MacBride, Roger Lea
MacCarteney, Laura Pendleton
MacDonald, Betty
Macdonald, George
MacDonald, James
MacDonald, Lucy
MacGregor, Ellen
MacGregor, Mary
Machiavelli, Niccolò
Macintyre, Ben
Mack, William P.
MacKellar, William
Mackenzie, Compton
MacKenzie, Garry
Mackenzie, Thomas
MacKnight, Ninon
MacLachlan, Patricia
MacLean, Alistair
MacLean, Robert
MacManus, Seumas
Macnamara, Niall
Macomber, Debbie
MacPherson, Elizabeth H.
MacPherson, Ruth Rosamond
Madden, Don
Madsen, Carol Cornwall
Madsen, Susan Arrington
Magnusson, Magnus
Magoon, Marian Waite
Magorian, Michelle
Maharg, Anoif
Maier, Paul L.
Maitland, Antony
Maley, Alan
Malkus, Alida
Malory, Thomas
Maloy, Lois
Maltman, Chauncey
Malvern, Corinne
Maniscalco, Joseph
Mann, Don
Manning-Sanders, Ruth
Manomivibul, Michael
Manson, Beverlie
Manushkin, Fran
Mapp Jr., Alf
Marcellino, Fred
Marcum, Robert
Marillier, Juliet
Marlin, Brigid
Marriott, Pat
Mars, W. T.
Marsh, Janet
Marsh, W. Jeffrey
Marsh, William L.
Marshall, Catherine
Marshall, Donald R.
Marshall, Edison
Marshall, Helen Lowrie
Marshall, James
Marshall, Richard
Marsia, Robert
Martignoni, Margaret E.
Martin, Ann M.
Martin, Josephine
Martin, Richard A.
Marvel, William
Marx, Hilda
Masefield, John
Mason, F. Van Wyck
Mason, Miriam Evangeline
Massie, Diane Redfield
Massie, Robert K.
Masters, Christopher
Mateljan, George
Mathewson, Robert F.
Matthew, Jack
Matthews, Andrew
Matthews, Caitlin
Matthews, John
Matthews, Robert J.
Mattingly, Garrett
Mauck, Frances F.
Maurois, Andr?
May, F. Stocks
May, Julian
May, Robert L.
May, Sophie
Mayer, Marianna
Mayes, Frances
Mayle, Peter
Maynard, Lorraine
Maynard Greville, Frances Evelyn
Mayne, William
Mayrant, Katherine Drayton
Mays, Victor
Mazoujian, Charles
Mazza, Adriana
Mazzeo, Tilar J.
McAllister, Hayden
McAnally, David Russell
McBride, James
McBride, Mary
McCaffery, Janet
McCaffery, William A.
McCague, James
McCall, Edith
McCann, Gerald
McCaughrean, Geraldine
McClain, Mary
McCloskey, Robert
McClung, Robert M.
McConkie, Bruce R.
McConkie, Joseph Fielding
McConkie , Mark L.
McCord, Christian
McCormick, Dell J.
McCormick, Maggie
McCourt, Malachy
McCullough, David
McCully, Emily Arnold
McCurdy, Michael
McDermott, Dennis
McDermott, Gerald
McDevitt, Jean
McDougall, Walter A.
McDowell, Bart
McDowell, Louise
McDowell, Marta
McGill, Marci
McGinley, Phyllis
McGinnis, Robert
McGovern, Ann
McGrath, Tim
McGuire, Edna
McIntosh, Pat
McKay, Donald
McKay, Llewelyn R.
McKee, Jessie F.
McKee, Paul Gordon
McKenzie, Ellen Kindt
McKinley, Clare
McKinley, Robin
McKowen, Scott
McLaren, Moray
McLaughlin, Roberta
McLean, Allan Campbell
McLerran, Alice
McLoughlin, Denis
McMahon, Antoine
McMahon, Katharine
McManus, John C.
McMurtry, Larry
McNamara, John
McNeer, May
McNeill, Elisabeth
McPhail, David
McPherson, James M.
McPherson, Robert S.
McQueen, Lucinda
McRaven, William H.
McSpadden, J. Walker
McSwigan , Marie
McVay, Tracy
Meacham, Jon
Meadowcroft , Enid LaMonte
Medler, James V.
Medley, Steven P.
Medvey, Stephen
Meeks, Esther
Meier, Christian
Meigs, Cornelia
Meise, Fred H.
Melham, Tom
Melrose, Alex R.
Melville, Herman
Memling, Carl
Menasco, Milton
Mendoza, George
Menefee, Maud
Menotti, Gian-Carlo
Meredith, Lucy
Merryweather, Jack
Merwin, Decie
Messenger, Norman
Meyer, Lois
Meyer, Zoe
Meyerhoff, Nancy
Michaels, Barbara
Michaels, Fannie L.
Michener, James A.
Middlemiss, Clare
Miers, Earl Schenck
Mikolajski, Andrew
Mikolaycak, Charles
Miles, Elizabeth
Miles, Miska
Milhous, Katherine
Mill, Eleanor
Millar, H. R.
Millard, Kerry
Miller, Albert G.
Miller, David E.
Miller, Edna
Miller, John Parr (J.P.)
Miller, Lee
Miller, Malinda
Miller, Marilyn
Miller, Nathan
Miller, Olive Beaupr?
Miller, Roberta
Miller, Shane
Millet, Robert L.
Mills, Alice
Mills, Lauren
Milne, Alan Alexander (A.A.)
Minarik, Else Holmelund
Miner, Irene Sevrey
Minor, Wendell
Miret, Gil
Mitchell, Barbara
Mitchell, Kathy
Mitchell, Lucy Sprague
Mitchell, Margaret
Mitton, Geradine Edith
Mizumura, Kazue
Moffat, Alistair
Mofsie, Louis
Monjo, Ferdinand Nicolas
Monroe, Marion
Monsell, Helen Albee
Monson, Thomas S.
Montgomerie, Norah
Montgomery, Elizabeth Rider
Montgomery, Lucy Maud
Montgomery, Rutherford G.
Montresor, Beni
Moody, Ralph
Moore, Christopher R.
Moore, Clement Clarke
Moore, Heather B.
Moore, Lilian
Moore, Ruth
Moorehead, Alan
Moos, Malcolm
Mora, Joseph Jacinto
Moran, Constance
Mordvinoff, Nicolas
Moreau, C. X.
Morel, Eve
Morey, Walt
Morgan, Edmund S.
Morgan, Nina Hermanna
Morgan, Wallace
Morison, Samuel Eliot
Morley, Christopher
Morrill, Leslie
Morris, Edmund
Morris, Gerald
Morris, Richard B.
Morrison, Nancy Brysson
Morrison, Sean
Morrow, Gary
Morrow, Honore
Mortimer, Anne
Mortimer, Ian
Morton, Henry Vollam
Morton, Kate
Morton-Sale, Isobel
Moser, Barry
Moss, Miriam
Mowers, Patrica
Mowry, Carmen
Moyers, William
Mozley, Charles
Muench, David
Mull, Brandon
Mulvany, Eric
Munn, Ian
Munroe, Kirk
Munsinger, Lynn
Muntean, Michaela
Murr, Karl
Murray, Mary Alice
Murray, William Hutchison
Myers, Bernice and Lou
Myers, Elisabeth P.
Nadler, Robert
Nagel, Stina
Nankivel, Claudine
Napoli, Donna Jo
Nardini, Sandro
Nash, Mary
Nast, Thomas
Nathan, Dorothy
Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds
Neeley, Deta Petersen
Neeley, Nathan Glen
Neild, Julie
Neill, John R.
Nelsen, Wendy and Michael
Nelson, James L.
Nelson, John A.
Nelson, Lee
Nelson, Russell M.
Nemo, _
Nesbit, Edith
Nesbit, Troy
Nesbitt, Esta
Ness, Evaline
Nestrick, Nova
Netherclift, Beryl
Neuberger, Richard L.
Neumann, Daisy
Neville, Vera
Newberry, Clare Turlay
Newell, Lloyd and Karmel
Newman, Deirdre Ingersoll
Newman, Paul S.
Newman, Peter C.
Nibley, Hugh
Nibley, Preston
Nichols, Marie C.
Nicholson, William
Nickl, Peter
Nickless, Will
Nicolas, _
Nicolson, Adam
Nielsen, Kay
Nightingale, Sandy A.
Nister, Ernest
Nivola, Claire A.
Nixon, Joan Lowery
Nixon, Lauren
Nolan, Dennis
Nolan, Jeannette Covert
Nolen, Barbara
Noonan, Dan
Noonan, Julia
Nordhoff, Charles Bernard
Norman, Charles
Norris, Leslie
Norris, Tom
North, Jessica Nelson
North, Sterling
Norton, Andre
Norton, Mary
Norton, Miriam
Norton, Natalie
Norwak, Mary
Nosworthy, Florence England
Notkin, Jerome J.
Novak, Michael
Novik, Naomi
Nutting, Wallace
Nyblom, Helena
Nyce, Helene
Nyce, Vera
Nyman, Monte S.
O'Brian, Patrick
O'Brien, Harriet
O'Brien, Jack
O'Brien, Robert C.
O'Clery, Ann
O'Clery, Helen
O'Conner , Jack
O'Dell, Scott
O'Donnell, Mabel
O'Faola?, Eileen
O'Hara, Mary
O'Mara, Lesley
O'Meally, Robert
O'Neill, John P.
O'Neill, Mary
O'Neill, Richard
O'Reilly, Bill
O'Shea, Roisin
O'Sullivan, Penelope
O'Sullivan, Tom
O'Toole, Cathal
Obermeyer, Marion Barrett
Obligado, Lilian
Oechsli, Kelly
Officer, Robyn
Oftedal, Laura
Ogden, D. Kelly
Oldenburg, E. William
Ollivant, Alfred
Olsen, Greg
Olsen, Ib Spang
Onuf, Peter S.
Opitz, Marge
Oppel, Frank
Orbaan, Albert
Orczy, Baroness Emmuska
Ormerod, Jan
Ormsby, Virginia
Orr, Wendy
Ortiz, Elisabeth Lambert
Orton, Chad M.
Orton, Helen Fuller
Osborne, Mary Pope
Osbourne, Shirley Kite
Osebold, John
Osswald, Edith
Ostendorf, Lloyd
Ostler, Heather
Otis, James
Otten, Leaun G.
Ottum, Bob
Ousley, Odille
Outhwaite, Ida Rentoul
Owen, James A.
Owen, Mark
Owen, Russell
Pace , Mildred Mastin
Packer, Boyd K.
Pagett, Andrew
Palazzo, Tony
Palmer, Geoffrey
Palmer, Hugh
Palmer, Ruth
Paolini, Christopher
Pape, Cherryl
Pape, Donna Lugg
Paris, Pat
Parish, Maxfield
Parish, Peggy
Park, Ruth
Parker, Bertha Morris
Parkin, Rex
Parkman, Francis
Parks, Edd Winfield
Parnall, Peter
Parrish, Anne
Parrish, Jean J.
Parry, Jay A.
Parsons, Ian
Parsons, Virginia
Partanen, Anu
Pasachoff, Jay M.
Paschal, Rose
Paschall, Janie Lowe
Paterson, Brian
Paterson, Cynthia
Patience, John
Patience, Pat
Patton, Robert H.
Paul, Joel Richard
Paull, Grace
Paulsen, Gary
Paulson, Tim
Paustovsky, Konstantin
Payne, Elizabeth
Payne, Emmy
Payson, Howard
Payzant, Charles
Pearce, Garth
Peck, Dale
Peck, H. Daniel
Peck, Harry Thurston
Peckham, Howard Henry
Peet, Bill
Pels, Winslow
Pemberton-Pigott, Cressida
Penck, Stefanie
Percy, Graham
Perkins, Cornelis Adams
Perkins, John
Perkins, Lucy Fitch
Perkins, Patricia Barrett
Perrault, Charles
Perrault, Mark
Perrine, Peter
Peters, Ellis
Petersen, Emma Marr
Petersen, Mark E.
Petersham, Maud and Miska
Peterson, Barbara Burns
Peterson, Betty
Peterson, Eric
Peterson, Hans
Peterson, Roger Tory
Peterson, Russell Francis
Pettengill, Samuel B.
Peyser, Herbert F.
Pfloog, Jan
Philbrick, Nathaniel
Philip, Neil
Phillips, David L.
Phillips, Katherine L.
Phillips, Mary Geisler
Pickles, Sheila
Pienkowski, Jan
Pierce, Alice
Piggot, Stuart
Pilcher, Rosamunde
Pilgrim, Jane
Pinegar, Ed J.
Pinegar, Patricia
Pinkney, Jane
Pinto, Ralph
Piper, Watty
Pisillo, Margo
Pistorius, Anna
Pitz, Henry C.
Place, Marian T.
Pledger, Maurice
Plummer, Charles Griffin
Plummer, William
Pocock, Tom
Podendorf, Illa
Pogany, Willy
Pogorelsky, Antoni
Pohlmann, Lillian
Poling, James
Pollock, Dean
Polseno, Jo
Pomerantz, Charlotte
Pond, Seymour Gates
Ponsot, Marie
Ponter, Jim
Poortvliet , Rien
Pope, Elizabeth Marie
Porter, Eleanor H.
Porter, Gene Stratton
Porter, Jane
Porter, Jenny Lind
Porter, William Sydney (O.Henry)
Potter, Beatrix
Potter, Elmer Belmont (E.B.)
Potter, Grace E.
Potter, Laura
Potter, Marian
Potter, Miriam Clark
Powers, Don
Powers, Richard M.
Poyer, David
Pratt, Alice Day
Pratt, Fletcher
Pratt, Marjorie
Prebble, John
Preiss, Leah Palmer
Prelutsky, Jack
Pressfield, Steven
Preston, Tim
Price, Christine
Price, Clark Kelley
Price, Garrett
Price, Margaret Evans
Price, Nick
Price, Norman
Price, Susan
Priestley, J. B.
Primrose, Jean
Probst, Pierre
Prokofieff, Serge
Protter, Eric and Nancy
Provensen, Alice and Martin
Pucci, Albert John
Pugh, Ellen Tiffany
Pulido, Shirley
Puls, Mark
Punke, Michael
Purcell, John Wallace
Pushkin, Alexander
Putnam, Nina Wilcox
Pyle, Ernie
Pyle, Howard
Quackenbush, Robert M.
Quayle, Eric
Quiller-Couch, Arthur
Rabinovitch, Dorit
Rache, Elmer
Rachlis, Eugene
Rackham, Arthur
Rae, John
Raile, Vilate
Rambeau, John
Rambeau, Nancy
Rand, Ann
Randall, J. G.
Rane, Walter
Ransome, Arthur
Rasmussen, Ellis T.
Rasmusson, Daniel
Ratzesberger, Anna
Rawlings, Marjorie Kinnan
Rawls, Dorothy Dickens
Rawls, Wilson
Ray, Deborah Kogan
Ray, Ralph
Razzi, Jim
Read, Isobel
Reardon, Mary
Rector, Connie
Redford, Polly
Reed, Myrtle
Reed, Neil
Reed, Walt
Reeder, Red
Regan, Patrick
Regli, Adolph
Reichert, Edwin Clark
Reid, Alastair
Reinfeld, Fred
Reiss, Winold
Remington, Barbara
Remini, Robert V.
Rensin, David
Repchuk, Caroline
Reppy, Nell
Rethi, Lili
Reusswig, William
Rey, Hans Augusto (H.A.)
Rey, Margret
Reynolds, George
Reynolds, Quentin James
Rhead, Louis
Ribbons, Ian
Rice, Alice Hegan
Rice, Elizabeth
Rice, Eve
Rice, R. D.
Rich, Russell R.
Richards, Dorothy
Richards, Jean H.
Richards, LeGrand
Richards, Milton
Richardson, Ernest
Richardson, Frederick
Richardson, Lee
Ricks, Stephen D.
Ridlon, Marci
Riesenberg Jr., Felix
Riger, Robert
Riley, Garada Clark
Riley, James Whitcomb
Riley, Minnie Belle
Rios, Michael
Risom, Ole
Ritchie, Robert
Ritz, Karen
Riviore, Mario
Roberson, Jennifer
Roberts, Andrew
Roberts, Bethany
Roberts , Bruce
Roberts, David
Roberts, Kenneth
Robertson, Keith
Robinson, Barbara
Robinson, Bernard
Robinson, Charles
Robinson, Fanny
Robinson, Mabel Louise
Robinson, Stephen E.
Robinson, Warren F.
Robison, Eleanor G.
Rocker, Fermin
Rockwell, Norman
Rogers, Carol
Rojankovsky, Feodor
Rolland, Deborah
Roloff, Nan
Rolt-Wheeler, Francis
Ronald, Susan
Ronchi, Susanna
Rooney, David
Rose, Alexander
Rose, Carl
Roselli, Lucianna
Rosenburg, Amye
Rosenwasser, Dorothy E.
Rosier, Lydia
Ross, Elizabeth
Ross, Nancy Wilson
Roth, David E.
Roth, Lazlo
Roth, Susan A.
Rothe, Fenella
Rounds, Al
Rounds, Glen
Rountree, Harry
Roux, Jessica
Rowand, Phyllis
Rowe, Gavin
Rowe, Viola
Rowley, Emma
Rowling, Joanne (J.K.)
Roy, Ronald
Royt, Mary
Rudolph, Marguerita
Ruland, Wilhelm
Rumsey, Marian
Rupp, Jacques
Rush, John
Rushmore, Helen
Rushton, Julian
Rushton, William
Ruskin, John
Russell, David Harris
Russell, Franklin
Russell, Solveig Paulson
Russell, William F.
Rust, Graham
Ruth, Rod
Rutherfoord, William J.
Rutherford, Bill and Bonnie
Rutherfurd, Edward
Ruthstrom, Dorotha
Ryan, Brittney
Ryan, Cornelius
Ryan, Jennifer
Ryan, William
Rydberg, Viktor
Rye, Scott
Rylant , Cynthia
Ryman, Herbert
Sagendorf, Bud
Saint (Miss Read), Dora Jessie
Salisbury, Carola
Salten, Felix
San Souci, Robert Daniel
Sandburg , Carl
Sanders, Beryl
Sanders, Martha
Sanderson, Ruth
Sanderson, William Elwood
Sandler, Martin W.
Sandoz, Edouard
Santos, George
Sapienza, Marilyn
Sari, _
Saroyan, William
Sasgen, Peter
Satterfield, C. W.
Saunders, Gill
Saunders, Margaret Marshall
Savage, Steele
Savage, Stephen
Saviozzi, Adriana Mazza
Sawyer, Ken
Sawyer, Ruth
Saxon, Gladys Relyea
Saylor, Steven
Scarf, Maggi
Scarry, Patricia
Scarry, Richard
Schaar, Bob
Schachner, Judy
Schatz, Letta
Scheffel, Richard L.
Scheib, Ida
Schenk, Julie Wyatt
Scherman, Katharine
Schiff, Stacy
Schilling, Dan
Schindleman, Joseph
Schindler, S. D.
Schlein, Miriam
Schlesinger, Alice
Schlitz , Laura Amy
Schmid, Marion
Schmidt, Al
Schmidt, Edwin
Schmidt, Karl Patterson
Schneider, Nina
Schoenherr, John
Scholey, Arthur
Schroeder, Binette
Schroeder, Ted
Schucker, James W.
Schule, Clifford H.
Schultz, Charles M.
Schurr, Cathleen
Schwartz, Berta
Schwartz, Julia Augusta
Schweninger, Ann
Scopes, Mary
Scott, Charles Augustus
Scott, James M.
Scott, Janet Laura
Scott, Marguerite K.
Scott, Sir Walter
Seaton, Walter
Seegmiller, Wilhelmina
Segall, Barbara
Segur, Adrienne
Seidler, Tor
Selden, George
Selznick, Brian
Sendak, Maurice
Seredy, Kate
Serl, Emma
Serraillier, Ian
Server, Dean
Settle, Mary Lee
Severin, John Powers
Sewall, John S.
Sewall, Marcia
Sewell, Anna
Sewell, Helen
Sewell, Kenneth
Seymour, Alta Halverson
Seymour, Dorothy Z.
Shaara, Jeff
Shaara, Michael
Shaffer, Mary Ann
Shane, Harold G.
Shannon, Kenyon
Shannon, Terry
Shapiro, Irwin
Shapiro, James
Shapp, Martha and Charles
Sharmat, Marjorie Weinman
Sharp, Margery
Sharp, William
Shaw, David W.
Shay, Frank
Shearer, Ted
Shecter, Ben
Sheean , Vincent
Sheehan, Angela
Sheldon, William D.
Shell, Richard L.
Shelley, Mary W.
Shemin, Margaretha
Shenton, Edward
Shepard, Ernest H.
Shepard, Mac
Shepard, Mary
Shepherd, David
Shepherd, Jean
Shepherd, R.
Sheppard, Raymond
Sherman, Diane
Sherwan, Earl
Shillabeer, Mary
Shimin, Symeon
Shippen, Katherine Binney
Shirer, William L.
Shirreffs, Gordon D.
Shore, Robert
Short, Peg Carmack
Shortall, Leonard
Shorto, Russell
Showell, Jak P. Mallmann
Shulevitz, Uri
Shute, Henry A.
Shute, Nevil
Shute, R. Wayne
Sibley, Donald
Siddoway, Richard
Sides, Hampton
Sidney, Margaret
Siebel, Fritz
Sieffert, Clare
Siegel, Beatrice
Siekkinen, Raija
Sileo, Tom
Simmons, Don
Simonson, Helen
Simont, Marc
Sindilar, Joseph C.
Singer, Isaac Bashevis
Sinnickson, Freda
Sinnickson, Tom
Sixtus, Albert
Skinner, Ada M.
Skotting, Aase
Slaughter, Frank G.
Slaughter, William W.
Slepkov, Anatoly
Slobodkin, Louis and Florence
Slobodkina, Esphyr
Slocum, John
Slotkin, Richard
Smath, Jerry
Smiley, Dean F.
Smith, Bradford
Smith, D. L.
Smith, Dodie
Smith, Doris Susan
Smith, Dorothy Hall
Smith, Eliza R.
Smith, Eugene Cadwallader
Smith, Eunice Young
Smith, Gertrude
Smith, Goldie Capers
Smith, Harry L.
Smith, Jessie Willcox
Smith, Joseph A.
Smith, Joseph Fielding
Smith, Lawrence Beall
Smith, Lucy Mack
Smith, Nila Banton
Smith, Nora Archibald
Smith, Page
Smith, Paul Thomas
Smith, Shelly Reeves
Smith, Theresa Kalab
Smith Jr., Joseph
Smock, Nell Stol
Snedeker, Barbara J.
Sneve, Virginia Driving Hawk
Snow, Dorothea J.
Sobel, Dava
Sofia, _
Sokol, Bill J.
Sokol, Camille
Solbert, Ronni
Somerset Fry, Peter and Fiona
Sommerfelt, Aimee
Sonne, Conway B.
Sorensen, Virginia
Sorenson, Henri
Sorenson, John L.
Southey, Robert
Southworth, John
Spanfeller, Jim
Sparks, Richard
Speare, Elizabeth George
Speirs, John
Spencer, Hugh
Sperry, Armstrong
Sperry , Sidney B.
Spicer, Dorothy Gladys
Spier, Jo
Spier, Peter
Spilka, Arnold
Spires, Elizabeth
Spirin, Gennady
Spoor, Mary L.
Sprague, Curtiss
Spriggs, Ruth
Springer, Norman
Sprinkle, Rebecca K.
Spyri, Johanna
St. James, Renwick
St. John, Wylly Folk
Stafford, Jean
Stahlmann, Catherine
Stahr, Walter
Stainton, Sue
Stanley, Diane
Stanton, Doug
Starr, Branka
Stebbins, Charles M.
Steele, William O.
Steig, William
Stein, Harvey C.
Stein, Mini
Steinbeck, John
Steiner, Charlotte
Stephan, Hanna
Stephens, Charles Asbury
Stephens, James
Stephens, Peter John
Stephenson, Dorothy
Sterling, Dorothy
Stern, Marie Simchow (Masha)
Stern, Renee B.
Sterne, Emma Gelders
Steven, Campbell
Stevens, Carla
Stevens, Gloria
Stevens, Mary
Stevenson, Augusta
Stevenson, Dorothy Emily
Stevenson, Robert Louis
Stewart, Arvis
Stewart, Chris
Stewart, David O.
Stewart, George Rippey
Stewart, Mary
Stillwell, Paul
Stirling, Lilla
Stobbs, William
Stockton, Frank Richard
Stockwin, Julian
Stoll, Ira
Stolz, Mary
Stone, Bev
Stone, Clarence R.
Stone, David
Stone, Diane Stevenson
Stone, Eugenia
Stone, Gary
Stone, Helen
Stone, Irving
Storey, Veva
Stott , Rowena
Stouffer, Ellen
Stout, Glenn
Stranger, Joyce
Stratton, Helen
Strauss, Barry
Strawson, John
Streatfeild, Noel
Street, James H.
Streeter, Edward
Stroble, Bill
Strugnell, Ann
Stubley, Trevor
Sturges, Katharine
Suba, Suzanne
Suben, Eric
Sullivan, Aloysius Michael (A.M.)
Sullivan, Robert
Summers, Julie
Summers, Kate
Sutcliffe, Rosemary
Sutton, Felix
Sutton, Margaret
Sweney, Fredric
Swensen, Milton E.
Swift, Hildegarde Hoyt
Swift, Jonathan
Swinton, Heidi S.
Syme, Ronald
Symonds, Craig
Szekeres, Cyndy
Szepelak, Helen
Szyk, Arthur
Taber, Gladys Bagg
Tagg, Christine
Taina, Hannu
Tallant, Robert
Talmage, James E.
Talty, Stephan
Tamburine, Jean
Tarkington, Booth
Tashjian, Virginia A.
Tate Jr., Charles D.
Taylor, Brad
Taylor, Cathryn
Taylor, David
Taylor, Eleanor
Taylor, Ina
Taylor, John
Taylor, Judy
Taylor, Mark
Taylor, Patrick
Taylor, Stephen
Taylor, T. William
Tazewell , Charles
Teal, Val
Tegner, Hans
Teichman, Dorothy
Teller, Walter Magnus
Tempest, Margaret
Ten Boom, Corrie
Tenggren, Gustaf
Tenniel, John
Terhune, Albert Payson
Tessaro, Chuck
Tey, Josephine
Thackeray, William Makepeace
Thane, Elswyth
Thayer, Jane
Theisen, W. W.
Theroux, Paul
Thom, James Alexander
Thomas, Benjamin
Thomas, Dylan
Thomas, Emory M.
Thomas, Evan
Thomas, H. C.
Thomas, Hugh
Thomas, Janet
Thomas, John
Thomas, Kathleen
Thompson, Blanche Jennings
Thompson, Emma
Thompson, Flora
Thomson, Hugh
Thomson, Lucy Gertsch
Thor, Brad
Thoreau, Henry David
Thorndike, Russell
Thorndyke, Helen Louise
Thorne, Alice
Threadgall, Colin
Thubron, Colin
Thurber, James
Thuswaldner, Werner
Tibbles , Thomas Henry
Tiedemann, Berthold
Tigue, Terry
Tildeman, Bert
Till, Tom
Timmins, William
Titus, Eve
Toland, John
Tolkien, John Ronald Reuel (J.R.R.)
Toll, Ian W.
Tolstoy, Alexei
Tolstoy, Leo
Tolstoy, Serge
Tomes, Margot
Tonsetic, Robert L.
Torres, Angelo
Toschik, Larry
Tourtellot, Jonathan B.
Tousey, Sanford
Tower, A. O.
Towle, Mike
Townsend, Peter
Trachtenberg, Gloria
Trautmann, Rudi
Travers, Pamela Lyndon
Treadgold, Mary
Tregaskis, Richard
Trent, Robbie
Tresselt, Alvin
Tripp, Wallace
Tritten, Charles
Trollope, Anthony
Trow, George Swift
Troy, Hugh
Truman, Harry S.
Trust, National
Tsugami, Kyuzo
Tuchman, Barbara W.
Tucker, Ernest E.
Tucker, Phillip Thomas
Tudor, Bethany
Tudor, Tasha
Tunis , John R.
Tunnicliffe, Charles Frederick (C.F.)
Turkle, Brinton
Turner, Diane
Turner, Rodney
Turngren, Annette
Tusa, Tricia
Tworkov, Jack
Tyler, Gillian
Tzu, Sun
Udry, Janice May
Uglow, Jenny
Ulrey, Dale
Unger, Harlow Giles
Untermeyer, Louis
Ustinov, Nikolai
Utt, Ronald
Uttley, Alison
Vainio, Pirkko
Valentine, D. G.
Vallely, Henry E.
Van Allsburg, Chris
Van Rhijn, Aleid
Van Sickle, James H.
Van Stockum, Hilda
Van Tellingen, Ruth Thompson
Vance, Eleanor Graham
Vance, Marguerite
Varga, Judy
Vartan, Dot
Vasari, Giorgio
Vasiliu, Mircea
Vaughan, Anne
Vaughan-Jackson, Genevieve
Vaughn, Frank
Velde, Vivian Vande
Verne, Jules
Verney, John
Verral, Charles Spain
Verschoyle, Moira
Verschuren, Ineke
Vestal, Herman Beeson (H.B.)
Vevers, Gwynne
Vidal, Gore
Vinton, Iris
Vipont, Elfrida
Vivier, Colette
Voight, Virginia Frances
Von Arnim, Elizabeth
Von Mellenthin, Friedrich
Von Olfers, Sibylle
Von Schmidt, Eric
Von Zitzewitz, Hoot
Voorhies, Stephen J.
Vosburgh, Leonard
Voute, Kathleen
Vyse, Leslie
Waber, Bernard
Wadsworth, Olive A.
Wadsworth, Wallace C.
Wagenknecht, Edward
Wagner, Ken
Wahl, Jan
Wahl, Mats
Waite , Garth
Waite , Vicky
Wakana, Kei
Wakolee, Pat
Waldo, Lillian McLean
Wales, Ken
Walker, Gil
Walker, Lester
Walker, Nedda
Walku, Janna C.
Wall, Dorothy
Wallace, Lew
Wallace, Randall
Walley, Dean
Wallis, Diz
Wallner, Alexandra
Walpole, Ellen Wales
Walsh, Marrie
Walter, Lantzl
Walters, Audrey
Walters, Marguerite
Walters, Marjorie
Waltrip, Lela
Ward, Geoffrey C.
Ward, John
Ward, Lynd
Ward, Phil
Warner, Ann Spence
Warner, Gertrude Chandler
Warner, Matt
Warren, Joyce
Warren, Maud Radford
Warren, Robert Penn
Watkins-Pitchford, Denys (B.B.)
Watson, Aldren A.
Watson, Jane Werner
Watson, Nancy Dingman
Watson, Virginia
Watts, Frances
Watts, Mabel
Waugh, Sylvia
Wayment, Thomas A.
Wayne, Bennett
Weakley, Mark
Webb, Brandon
Webb, Jean Francis
Webb, Robert N.
Webbe, Elizabeth
Webber, Frank Martin
Weber, Nettie
Weber, Walter Alois
Webster, Jean
Weeks, Andy
Wegner, Fritz
Weihs, Erika
Weil, Ann
Weil, Lisl
Weiler, Mary
Weiner, Gina Ingoglia
Weintraub, Stanley
Weisgard, Leonard
Weiss, Emil
Weiss, Harvey
Welch, James
Welcher, Rosalind
Wellman, Paul
Wells, Carolyn
Wells, H. G.
Wells, Rosemary
Welty, Linda
Wenning, Elisabeth
Werber, Adele
Werrenrath, Reinald
Werth, Kurt
Wessells, Katharine Tyler
West, Anthony
West, Jerry
West, Judy
Westerberg, Christine
Westheimer, David
Westwood, Jennifer
Wharton, Edith
Wheeler, Eliza
Wheeler, Joe L.
Wheeler, Opal
Wheeler, Susan
Whilldin, Mary
Whipple, A.B.C.
Whipple, Dorothy
White, Anne Terry
White, Elwyn Brooks (E.B.)
White, Flora
White, Leslie Turner
White, Nancy Bean
White, Robb
White, Stewart Edward
White, Terence Hanbury (T.H.)
White Jr., Ronald C.
Whitear, A. R.
Whitfield, William
Whitlock, Flint
Whitney, Janet
Whitney, Orson F.
Whitney, Phyllis A.
Whittle, Hester
Whyte, Jack
Wibberley, Leonard
Wiberg, Harald
Widstoe, John A.
Wiese, Kurt
Wiggin, Kate Douglas
Wigglesworth, Katherine
Wight, Jim
Wilcox, S. Michael
Wilde, Carol
Wilde, George
Wilde, Irma
Wilder, Laura Ingalls
Wiley , Melissa
Wilhelm, Hans
Wilkes, Larry
Wilkes, Maria D.
Wilkie, Ellen
Wilkie, Katharine Elliott
Wilkin, Eloise
Wilkin, Esther
Willard, Barbara
Willard, Nancy
Williams, Barbara
Williams, Florence White
Williams, Frances Leigh
Williams, Garth
Williams, Harold
Williams, Jay
Williams, John Tyerman
Williams, Mabel
Williams, Margery
Williams, Ursula Moray
Williams Jr., Berkeley
Williamson, Henry
Williamson, Tracey
Willis, Sam
Wilson, Ann Patrice
Wilson, Dagmar
Wilson, Edward Arthur
Wilson, Eliane
Wilson, Elijah Nicholas
Wilson, Hazel Hutchins
Wilson, W. N.
Winborn, Marsha
Wing, Helen
Winget, Susan
Winlow, Clara Vostrovsky
Winn, Marie
Winnington, Laura
Winship, Florence Sarah
Winslow, Marjorie
Winslow, Walter
Winston, Alexander
Winston, Winston
Winter, Milo
Winwar, Frances
Wirt, Mildred Augustine
Wisdom, Leon B.
Wise, Marilou
Wisler, G. Clifton
Wister , Owen
Witten, Bunty
Wojciechowski, Susan
Wolcott, Imogene
Wolf, Allan
Wolf, Donald D.
Wolf, Tony
Wolfe, Irving
Wolff, Glenn
Wolfsgruber, Sieglinde
Wolkstein, Diane
Wonsetler, John C.
Wood, A. J.
Wood, Eric
Wood, Gordon S.
Wood, Ivor
Wood, Julie Neild
Wood, Maryrose
Wood, Ruth
Woodcock, Louise P.
Woodforde, James
Woodruff, Wilford
Woodstock, Rhoda Wyatt
Woodward, Hildegard
Woodward, Hobson
Woolley, David G.
Worcester, Donald
Worm, Piet
Worsley, Frank Arthur
Wortis, Edward Irving (Avi)
Wouk, Herman
Wrede, Patricia C.
Wright, Benjamin F.
Wright, Betty Ren
Wright, Blanche Fisher
Wright, Clarissa Dickson
Wright, Harold Bell
Wright, Jason F.
Wright, Patricia
Wukovits, John
Wyatt, Mildred
Wyckoff, Marjorie
Wyeth, Andrew
Wyeth, Newell Convers (N.C.)
Wyndham, Lee
Wyss, Johann
Yale, Jonathan
Yardumian, Miryam
Yaroslava, _
Yeats, Jack B.
Yershov, P.
Yolen, Jane
Yonge, Charlotte M.
Yorgason, Blaine M.
Young, Ella
Young, Erla
Young, Miriam
Young, Noela
Young, Robyn
Young, S. Dilworth
Young, Stanley
Young, Steve
Young, Tom
Zabel, Jennifer
Zacks, Lewis
Zaffo, George J.
Zalben, Jane Breskin
Zallinger, Jean
Zallinger, Rudolph F.
Zamperini, Louis
Zelinsky, Paul O.
Zemach, Harve
Zemach, Margot
Zemsky, Jessica
Zheleznova, Irina
Zim, Herbert Spencer
Zimmerman, Walter
Zinke, Ryan
Zion, Gene
Zogbaum, Rufus F.
Zoll, Howard S.
Zolotow, Charlotte
Zolotow, Maurice
Zuckoff, Mitchell
Key Words
Select . . .
*Had in Kimberly*
None Assigned
ABC's, 123's, School Readers
Adult Fiction, Classics
American, General, Politics
Animal Characters
Antique or Collectible
Arts and Music
Children's Fiction, Classics
Collection of Stories
Fairytales, Myths, Folklore
Historical Fiction
History: American Civil War
History: American Colonial
History: American Indians
History: American Revolution
History: American, General
History: European, World
History: Great Britain, Ireland
History: Military, Other Wars
History: Sea, Ships, or Pirates
History: Western Expansion
History: World War I and II
Holidays: Birthday
Holidays: Christmas
Holidays: Easter
Holidays: Halloween
Holidays: Other
Holidays: Thanksgiving
Holidays: Valentine's Day
Home and Garden
LDS: Book of Mormon
LDS: Church History, Pioneers
LDS: D&C, Pearl of Great Price
LDS: Doctrine, Family
LDS: New Testament
LDS: Old Testament
LDS: Prophets & Apostles
Mechanical Characters
Nature: Birds, Animals, Fish
Nature: Flowers, Plants, Trees
Nursery Rhymes
Religion, General
Science, Geography
Seasons: All
Seasons: Autumn
Seasons: Spring
Seasons: Summer
Seasons: Winter
Travel Books
Walt Disney, Cartoons, TV
Select . . .
Before 1900
Select . . .
No Country
British Isles
Czech Republic
New Zealand
Saudi Arabia
Sea or Islands
South America
United States
Select . . .
Aesop's Fables
Aladdin and His Lamp
Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves
Animal Crackers and Cocoa
Audio Books
Beauty and the Beast
Bonnie Prince Charlie
Chicken Little
Dick Whittington and His Cat
East of the Sun and West of the Moon
Family Adventure Movie Collections
Farewell, Rewards and Fairies
Frogwart and the Tooth Fairies
Goldilocks and the Three Bears
Hans Clodhopper
Hansel and Gretel
Jack and the Bean Stalk
John Glover
Johnny, I Hardly Knew Ye
Jorinda and Jorindel
Little Red Riding Hood
Mary Queen of Scots
Mother Goose
Nursery Rhymes: Lyrics and Origins
Over the River and Through the Woods
Paul Bunyan
Peter and the Wolf
Puss in Boots
Reynard the Fox
Rip Van Winkle
Robin Hood
Rules for Young Men
Seven Drunken Nights
Signature Books
Sing a Song of Six Pence
Sing me a Song of a Lad that is Gone
Sleeping Beauty
Snow White and Rose Red
Snow White and the Seven Dwarves
Spanish Ladies
Tam O' Shanter (Cutty Sark)
Telling Ghost Stories on Christmas Eve
The Brave Little Tailor
The City Mouse and the Country Mouse
The Elves and the Shoemaker
The Emperor's New Clothes
The Fairies
The Fields of Athenry
The Fir Tree
The Fisherman and His Wife
The Flying Trunk
The Frog Prince/Princess
The Gingerbread Man
The Golden Goose
The Goose Girl
The Hoard
The King of the Golden River
The Land of Counterpane
The Legend of King Arthur
The Little Match Girl
The Little Mermaid
The Little Red Hen
The Mummer's Dance
The Music Box
The Musicians of Bremen
The Night Before Christmas
The Nightingale
The Nutcracker
The Owl and the Pussycat
The Pied Piper
The Princess and the Pea
The Princess on the Glass Hill
The Selfish Giant
The Shell Seekers
The Snow Queen
The Steadfast Tin Soldier
The Three Billy Goats Gruff
The Three Little Pigs
The Three Wishes
The Tinder Box
The Twelve Dancing Princesses
The Ugly Duckling
The Wild Swans
The Wind That Shakes The Corn
Tom Thumb
Tom, Tom, the Piper's Son-REDO THIS
Travel Places
Two Dead Boys Got Up to Fight
Wexford Carol