The Humpherys Family

The Grand Tour

Record Added: 1/20/2010
Setting Europe
Topic Fantasy
Publisher Harcourt, Brace, and Comp
ISBN 015204616X   Year 2004
Age 13-YA   Pages 480
Description Dark printed dustjacket
In this elegant, old-fashioned rambler, a sequel to the historical fantasy Sorcery and Cecilia, a party of five Brits (three of them are wizards)--Kate and Thomas Schofield, Cecy and James Tarleton, and Lady Sylvia--takes a "grand tour" of 19th-century Europe. What promises to be a pleasant exploration of old world antiquities and fancy shops turns out to be an adventure of a lifetime when Cecy receives a mysterious alabaster flask (a coronation treasure) from an agitated Lady in Blue. Before they know it, they are wrapped up in a magical conspiracy to take over Europe.

Written in two voices by two different authors, the novel alternates between Cecy's deposition and excerpts from her dear friend and cousin Kate's diary. Despite the crisp, clever dialogue and wonderful character subtleties in this Jane Austen-style comedy of manners, readers may be confused by the episodic nature of the novel whose mysteries take their sweet time in unfolding. Teens with the patience to savor this slow-as-molasses grand tour, however, will be amply rewarded by the novel's myriad delights.
