The Humpherys Family

On To Oregon

Record Added: 1/24/2010
Setting United States
Topic Family
 History: Western Expansio
Publisher William Morrow and Compan
Year 1961
Age 9-12   Pages 239
Description Blue binding, black ink pi
The true story of a family of seven children is left alone after the parents die on the way to Oregon. John Sager was never any help to his family on the Oregon trail. Then his parents die, leaving John in charge of his younger brother and sisters.

Here is the story of the Sager family who, in 1844, left their home in Missouri to make the two-thouseand-mile journey by covered wagon to Oregon. After the death of his parents, John Sager, thirteen years old, continued on with his younger brother and sisters. With scanty supplies and equipment, the children followed the Snake River, crawling wearily across plains and over mountains, hiding from Indians, always on short rations and suffering from exposure and fatigue.

With rare skill and humor, Mrs. Morrow portrays the children, who enjoyed their adventure in spite of the hardships. Although John was made of heroic stuff, he was at times a sorely-tried youngster. he hustled and bullied his brood, guarding them against every peril, but pouncing upon any sign of slackening. Somehow they survived the incredible dangers and managed to reach Oregon after traveling a thousand miles through the wilderness.
Book on which the movie "Seven Alone" was based.
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