The Humpherys Family

The King with Six Friends

Record Added: 1/26/2010
Author Jay Williams
Illustrator Imero Gobbato
Setting Europe
Topic Fairytales, Myths, Folklo
Publisher Parents Magazine Press
ISBN 0819303429   Year 1968
Age 4-8   Pages 38
This is a wonderful story, told as a fairy tale, about a king and his friends, each with a unique talent. They help each other using these gifts and are ultimately successful as a team in a situation where any one would have failed. The illustrations are old-fashioned but beautiful.

Cheerful young King Zar's country is overthrown by a rival king, who spares his life but takes everything he has save one suit of clothes and a small bag of money. Undaunted, Zar sets out to find work for himself; unfortunately, no one wants to hire a deposed king. Along the way, Zar makes six highly unusual friends; Eryx can become a serpent, Furze can become a tree, Kindle can become a fire, Edge can become an axe, Agus can become an elephant, and Dumble can become a bee swarm.

As Zar rescued each of these men from predicaments their talents brought about, the six travel with him on his journey to find a job. Their powers come in very handy when Zar falls in love with a princess, whose haughty father forces the younger king to perform three nearly impossible challenges before he can wed her.