The Humpherys Family

Miss Pickerell Goes Undersea {#3}

Record Added: 2/1/2010
Series Miss Pickerell #3
Setting Sea or Islands
Topic Science, Geography
Publisher McGraw-Hill Book Company
Year 1953
Age 9-12   Pages 128
Description Green printed library bind
"I'm not just going to sit around," says Miss Pickerell. "while my beautiful rock collection lies at the bottom of the ocean. I'm going to do something about it!"

If you know the amazing Miss Pickerell you know that the 'something' will turn into a hair-raising adventure. But this time even Miss Pickerell has no idea of what she is getting into. How is she to know that she would soon be the heroine of an underwater rescue? Or that the commander of an atomic submarine would hold her as a spy?