The Humpherys Family

Mousekin Takes a Trip

Record Added: 4/17/2010
Series Mousekin the Mouse
Setting United States
Topic Nature: Birds, Animals, F
Publisher Prentice Hall
ISBN 0136043631   Year 1976
Age 4-8   Pages 32
The Mousekin series of books by author/illustrator Edna Miller are books that children will love and adults will treasure. In "Mousekin Takes a Trip", little Mousekin finds himself going on a roadtrip by accident and lands in the desert. He finds many friendly creatures and plenty of water and food to drink (from the cacti that grow in abundance). However, Mousekin realizes the desert is not really his home, and tries to find his way back home to the woods.

The illustrations are beautiful - they capture the simple beauty of the changing landscapes, be it the woods filled with woodland creatures or the stark landscape of the desert, with its unique animals and cacti.