The Humpherys Family

Jimmy, the Pickpocket of the Palace

Record Added: 6/15/2010
Series The Prince of the Pond
Setting United States
Topic Fairytales, Myths, Folklo
 Animal Characters
Publisher Dutton Publishers
ISBN 0525453571   Year 1995
Age 9-12   Pages 176
Description Printed dustjacket
Pin, the Prince of the Pond, left his frog family unintentionally in Napoli's first amphibious plunge when he was kissed by Marissa, a princess. Now his venturesome son Jimmy leaves home to find the magic ring that will save the family pond from the curse of their old nemesis, the hag. As he hops into the palace, he is captured by the hapless princess Sally, Marissa's preteen sister. When Sally kisses his wounded leg, Jimmy finds himself in unsteady human form.

The kindest of the palace inhabitants is Marissa's husband-to-be, a prince whose unusual empathy with frogs includes a taste for bugs. Jimmy must betray this friend to steal the magic ring from his pocket. Of course, the prince is Pin, who faces a bittersweet choice between his human and frog lives and loves. In an echo of his father's plight, he has two female admirers. Gracie, a frog, and Sally, whose rough handling spells doom for all pets. Schachner's black-and-white illustrations enhance especially the transformation from frightened frog to goggle-eyed boy. This sequel is as engaging and unpredictable as its predecessor.