The Humpherys Family

The High Deeds of Finn MacCool

Record Added: 7/15/2010
A Favorite Book
Illustrator Michael Charlton
Setting Ireland
Topic Fairytales, Myths, Folklo
Publisher Dutton Publishers
Year 1967
Age 13-YA   Pages 192
Description Green printed dustjacket
Based on traditional Irish stories dating back over thousands of years, Rosemary Sutcliff retells the tales of Finn and the grey dog, of Dearmid and Grania, of Oisin - Finn's son- and all the other high deeds of the brotherhood of the Fianna.

First Edition; very fascinating story.
While traveling with Jessica around Boston, July 2010, I stopped in Kennebunkport, ME when I saw a sign for a public library surplus sale. (How could I resist?) This book was found there, with a few others. Great price - great treasure. This was the first time I had ever heard of Rosemary Sutcliffe, and read the book in the evenings for the rest of the time I was on vacation. LOVE this author.