The Humpherys Family

Paul Bunyan Swings His Axe

Record Added: 8/5/2010
Setting United States
Topic Fairytales, Myths, Folklo
Publisher The Caxton Printers, Ltd.
Year 1972
Age 4-8   Pages 111
Description Green library binding with
Only the most literal-minded child can fail to chuckle, if not to wonder...Science teachers may not approve, but these stories, retold with gusto and embellished with drolly imaginative drawings, are a tremendous lot of fun. Many stories of Paul Bunyan, the giant woodsman, have been collected and published for adults. Now America's most famous legend is retold in real "Jack the Giant Killer" language for children.

Seventeen of the most interesting and authentic stories of the mighty logger are here presented in such a way that children can understand and enjoy them. The author collected these yarns firsthand during several years in the logging camps of Washington and Idaho; and he has arranged them so that they tell the complete story of Paul Bunyan's amazing adventures in the North Woods. The author and publishers are proud to preserve for children these tales of America's best-loved legendary hero.

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