The Humpherys Family

Pocahontas, A Little Indian Girl of Jamestown

Record Added: 9/14/2010
Series Rand McNally Elf Books
Setting United States
Topic History: American Indians
 History: American Colonia
Publisher Rand McNally & Company
Year 1957
Age 4-8   Pages 20
Brief children's story of Pocahontas and Captain John Smith.
Published with the approval and collaboration of Jamestown Festival, Jamestown, Virginia. The 350th anniversary of the founding of Jamestown, Virginia -- the first successful English colony in America -- was celebrated in 1957. Millions of Americans visited for the first time the lovely island in the James River where the young Indian princess, Pocahontas, won the hearts of Jamestown's soldiers, explorers, and cavaliers, including the courageous Captain John Smith.

The original Jamestown today is a vanished city, but modern archeology and landscape architecture have recreated its outlines and the everyday life of its people. The National Park Service and the Association for the Preservation of Virginia Antiquities are preserving the historic site. The Jamestown Festival's sponsors have reconstructed at full scale the famous Fort of 1607, the glass factory of 1608, and the three ships of the first colonists, so that children and their parents, visiting the spot, will live for a moment in the time of Captain John Smith.
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