The Humpherys Family

James and the Rain

Record Added: 11/5/2010
Setting United States
Topic ABC's, 123's, School Read
 Nature: Birds, Animals, F
Publisher E. M. Hale Co.
Year 1962
Age 4-8   Pages 32
One rainy day, James dons his "very yellow coat that buttoned to his chin" and his "rubber boots to tuck his trousers in," and ventures outside with his big umbrella. Kuskin's light verse then introduces James to one cow, two ducks, three fat toads, four birds, five dogs, six rabbits, seven mice, eight geese, nine pigs, and ten cats (and all their playful antics). James' little stroll goes on just a bit too long but comes to a satisfying end when he leads all the animals inside to sit near the cozy fire, where they all fall asleep.