The Humpherys Family

Sam Pig and Sally {#4}

Record Added: 3/29/2011
A Favorite Book
Series Sam Pig #4
Setting England
Topic Animal Characters
 Antique or Collectible
Publisher Faber and Faber Ltd.
Year 1963
Age 9-12   Pages 168
Description Green cloth binding, no DJ
Story of Sam Pig and Sally the Mare.

  1. Sam Pig Goes Camping
  2. Sam Pig and Sally
  3. Sam Pig and the Hurdy-Gurdy Man
  4. The May Queen
  5. Sam Pig's Egg
  6. Sam Pig and the Little Princess
  7. Sam Pig and the Brownie
  8. Sam Pig and the Penny
  9. Sam Pig and the Water-Maid
  10. Dinner for Brock
  11. The Christmas Box
  12. The Train Journey

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