The Humpherys Family


Record Added: 11/3/2011
Topic Holidays: Christmas
Publisher Scholastic Book Services
ISBN 0439749425   Year 2005
Age 9-12   Pages 304
Description Printed binding, gold-edge
This story of how Kris Kringle came to live at the North Pole, surrounded by toy-making elves, sounds like the premise for a lighthearted cartoon. It is anything but. The boy Kringle lives in a dark wood in a dark age with Merwen, the old woman who has taken care of him since his mother died in childbirth.

On the longest day of the year, the goblins come to enslave children. Kringle barely escapes, but Merwen is captured. So begins Kringle's long journey to find her, during which he learns his true purpose, after being rescued by elves, who aid him in the inevitable battle against evil. The fantasy recalls C. S. Lewis' The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. In the end, Kringle triumphs and vows to make the year's longest day, which marks the birth of the Child, a happy one for children.