The Humpherys Family

The Happy Orpheline {#1}

Record Added: 3/14/2013
Series The Orphelines
Setting France
Topic Friends
Publisher Harper & Row Publishers
Year 1957
Age 9-12   Pages 96
Description White printed library bind
This is the wonderful story of a group of girls, a tale of love and friendship and adventure. This story is about Brigitte, the happy orpheline (girl orphan in French) who has many adventures with 19 other orphan girls, Madame Flattot the matron, and Genevieve, the assistant, all living in an orphanage in France. It comes away with the message that one's family is whoever happens to love and care for you.

The story is beautifully illustrated by Garth Williams who also illustrated The Little House books. The 2nd volume is titled "A Brother For the Orphelines" and continues the story, although they do not have to be read in order, since the author brings out the characters at the beginning of each volume very well. French customs and holidays are depicted and the reading level the same as for the Little House books.