The Humpherys Family

Great Are the Words of Isaiah

Record Added: 5/13/2013
Setting Israel
Topic LDS: Old Testament
Publisher Bookcraft
ISBN 0884944018   Year 1998
Age Adult   Pages 309
Description Printed dustjacket
"Great are the words of Isaiah." said the Savior--an accolade not recorded for any other prophetic writings. This makes Isaiah high priority reading for Latter-day Saints. From years of study and research. Monte S. Nyman has produced an LDS-based commentary which leads the reader through Isaiah section by section, topic by topic.

Isaiah's numerous and significant themes are examined and explained with informative commentary and quotations from prophets and scholars of this dispensation. Five detailed appendixes give easy cross-reference to Isaiah material quoted or paraphrased in other scriptures and in expressions by Church leaders. This comprehensive work will do much to clarify the text of Isaiah and to assist readers in understanding and enjoying that outstanding book of scripture.