The Humpherys Family

Rip Darcy: Adventurer

Record Added: 8/23/2009
Author Jack O'Brien
Illustrator Bunty Witten
Setting United States
Topic Adventure
Publisher John C. Winston Company
Year 1938
Age 9-12   Pages 358
Description Red binding
This is the story of a boy and his dog, rescued from a wrecked schooner, and adopted by the Adventures' Club of New York. This is the story of how he went virtually around the world, in charge of first one, then another famous member of the club, including Bob Ripley, Frank Buck, George Witten, Sacha Siemel, Tex O'Reilly, Sir Hubert Wilkins and others. He travels by plane and clipper and train and boat; he has adventures with elephants, a cobra, a renegade white man, a tiger, a lion, a Central American revolution, and so on.
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