The Humpherys Family

The Life Treasury of American Folklore

Record Added: 7/9/2013
Illustrator James Lewicki
Setting United States
Topic Fairytales, Myths, Folklo
Publisher Time-Life Books
Year 1961
Age 13-YA   Pages 348
Description Large, red binding
A collection of more than 150 stories, legends, and sayings, and is designed to be a book of reference, with a glossary of people, places, and events in American folklore. Sections Include: 
  1. The Explorers 
  2. The Indians 
  3. The Colonists 
  4. Backwoodsmen and Borderers 
  5. Yankees, Yorkers, and their Neighbors 
  6. Southerners 
  7. Westerners 
  8. Modern Folklore 
  9. Wit, Wisdom, and Whoppers

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