The Humpherys Family

Kingdom and the Crown Series

Record Added: 10/7/2013
Series Kingdom and the Crown
Setting Israel
Topic Historical Fiction
 LDS: New Testament
Publisher Bookcraft
ISBN 1570087148   Year 2001
Age Adult   Pages 640
Description Printed dustjacket
A dramatic account of Christ's ministry, as seen through the eyes of those who would follow him.
Volume 1, Fishers of Men: esus of Nazareth has been preaching in Judea for three years and has gathered many followers with his teachings and miracles. But he has also made enemies among the rulers in Jerusalem, who fear his power and his influence and who have conspired to put an end to him by whatever means possible.

Mordechai ben Uzziel's life couldn't be any worse. His daughter, Miriam, has vanished from Rome, spirited away by none other than his old nemesis &mdash Simeon ben David. Meanwhile, Mordechai's credibility with the Sanhedrin is jeopardized when the council learns that his own daughter has become a disciple of this so-called Messiah. Simeon ben David's life couldn't be any better. After struggling to follow the Savior and to testify of his knowledge that Jesus is the Son of God, Simeon has found peace and joy in following the Master. More than that, he has found love; he and Miriam will be betrothed before the feast of Hanukkah.

Vol 2, In Come Unto Me: Simeon of Capernaum wrestles with how to undo the damage wrought by his reluctant conversion to a man called Jesus of Nazareth. His determination to follow the teachings of the Master has cost the life of one friend and sent three others to a Roman prison to await execution. How can he stay true to the teachings of Jesus, which require that he love his enemies, and yet deliver the friends who face death because of him?

A similar dilemma faces Miriam of Jerusalem. Her father, along with the other leaders of the powerful Sanhedrin, are determined to stamp out the growing popularity of this itinerant preacher from Nazareth. But Miriam too has found Jesus to be far more than a mere man, and this poses a terrible choice for her - will she follow family or faith?

1. Fishers of Men
2. Come Unto Me
3. Behold the Man
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