The Humpherys Family

Understanding the Book of Revelation

Record Added: 1/28/2014
Author Jay A. Parry
Setting United States
Topic LDS: New Testament
Publisher Deseret Book Company
ISBN 1573454389   Year 1998
Age Adult   Pages 358
Description Printed dustjacket
If you've ever tried to puzzle your way through John the Revelator's words and symbols, you know how difficult it can be to understand them. Is there a reliable way to interpret the meaning of the winged beasts, phantom horsemen, and blood-red moon described by John? Is thre a way to understand the tumultuous and glorious events he saw in his vision? There is! in this volume, Jay A. and Donald W. Parry help decipher John's great vision, drawing upon the scriptures, the teachings of Joseph Smith, and insights from other General Authorities. Joseph Smith taught that "the book of Revelation is one of the plainest books God ever caused to be written."