The Humpherys Family

Pillar of Light: The First Vision

Record Added: 4/12/2014
Setting United States
Topic LDS: Church History, Pion
 LDS: Doctrine, Family
Publisher Covenant Communications I
ISBN 1598117955   Year 2009
Age Adult   Pages 268
Description Printed dustjacket
In the spring of 1820 Joseph Smith Jr. emerged from a grove of trees with a message that would change the world and convert millions to the restored gospel of Jesus Christ. This mere boy not only claimed that he had seen the God of heaven and the Savior of mankind, but he also said that they had told him the Christian faith was in dire need of renewal. As the foundation upon which Mormonism is built, Joseph Smith's First Vision is canonized as scripture, taught to children, preached by missionaries, and frequently repeated in sermons by LDS Church leaders. President Gordon B. Hinckley explained the vital role of this historical narrative when he said that "our entire case as members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints rests on the validity of this glorious First Vision."
Pillar of Light: The History and Message of the First Vision