The Humpherys Family

Beauty and the Beast

Record Added: 6/19/2014
Setting France
Topic Fairytales, Myths, Folklo
Publisher Gramercy Publishers
ISBN 0517066300   Year 1991
Age 9-12   Pages 64
Description Blue printed binding
A classic fairy tale where love, goodness and kindness conquers all. This is an eighteenth century tale that teaches children to be kind and not judge others because they may not be clever or beautiful.

A rich man has three daughters and three sons. The youngest daughter is so beautiful that people call her Beauty. She also has beautiful character, which her sisters lack. When their father looses all his money, Beauty works hard to help her father, but her sisters, accustomed to luxury, do not work; they prefer to sleep late.

One day their father is lost in the woods and discovers a palace. When he picks a rose from the garden, an ugly beast appears and tells him that he must die because he ruined his garden, unless he brings his child to take his place. When Beauty hears what happened she insists on being his substitute.

The beast treats Beauty very well and offers to marry her. She refuses at first, but then overcome by his kindness, she consents. The beast then becomes a handsome prince. He explains that he was turned into a beast and had to remain so until a beautiful virgin agrees to marry him. The couple returns to the prince's kingdom and live happily ever after.

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