The Humpherys Family

Impunity Jane

Record Added: 7/23/2014
Setting England
Topic Fantasy
Publisher The Viking Press
Year 1964
Age 4-8   Pages 48
Description Blue printed dustjacket
Impunity Jane is a Victorian pocket doll who yearns for adventure. Without a trace of sticky-sweetness, Godden shows us a restless doll consigned for four generations to sitting in a dollhouse, sometimes neglected for years, until she is purloined by a 7-year-old cousin, Gideon, who can hear doll wishes. Then Impunity Jane's life begins! She is a devoted companion in Gideon's play and gets to be a sailor, an aviator, a miner, and enjoy all manner of adventures. Gideon faces being called a "sissy" by a gang of older boys, until tough little Impunity Jane manages to win them over. Yet the guilt of her being stolen weighs heavily on both the boy and the doll, and they know they must do the honorable thing ...

This story is also included in the Rumer Godden collection "Four Dolls."