The Humpherys Family

Hare and the Rainbow

Record Added: 11/24/2015
A Favorite Book
Series The Little Grey Rabbit
Setting England
Topic Animal Characters
 Antique or Collectible
Publisher Harper Collins Publishers
ISBN 0001941607   Year 1975
Age 4-8   Pages 64
Description Blue printed binding
This is a very cute story that combines Greek mythology with the old traditions of the English countryside. Little Gray Rabbit and her little animal friends, especially Hare, watch a beautiful rainbow form in the sky after a particularly strong rainstorm. They want to seek the treasure at the end of the rainbow, and when they reach the colors' end, they see a beautiful girl who us the rainbow goddess Iris. A very beautiful story from simpler times.
IRIS was the goddess of the rainbow, the messenger of the Olympian gods. She was often represented as the handmaiden and personal messenger of Hera. Iris was a goddess of sea and sky--her father Thaumas "the wondrous" was a marine-god, and her mother Elektra "the amber" a cloud-nymph.

For the coastal-dwelling Greeks, the rainbow's arc was most often seen spanning the distance beteween cloud and sea, and so the goddess was believed to replenish the rain-clouds with water from the sea.

Iris had no distinctive mythology of her own. In myth she appears only as an errand-running messenger and was usually described as a virgin goddess. Her name contains a double meaning, being connected both with iris, "the rainbow," and eiris, "messenger."
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