The Humpherys Family

Goody Hall

Record Added: 5/10/2016
Setting United States
Topic Children's Fiction, Class
Publisher Farrar, Straus, and Girou
Year 1991
Age 13-YA   Pages 200
Description Blue and white dustjacket
Hercules Feltwright was, until very recently, an actor. Wandering through a small town, Hercules stumbles upon a job as a tutor. He's never been a tutor, but he's played a teacher many times, and it was one of his favorite roles. This might be just what he's looking for.

Goody Hall is the beautiful, if somewhat out-of-place mansion that houses Willet Goody and his mother. But Goody Hall also holds a mystery or two. There's a father who may or may not be dead, a tomb and coffin that holds something, but not necessarily a person, and a mother who doesn't miss her husband. Hercules has fallen into much more than just tutoring, and his student may have a thing or two to teach him before long.

As with any good mystery, each answer creates more questions. Soon myth and fiction collide and everyone will be surprised by who and what they truly are.