The Humpherys Family

Plain Girl

Record Added: 9/11/2016
Setting United States
Topic History: American, Genera
Publisher Harcourt, Brace, and Comp
Year 1955
Age 9-12   Pages 151
Description Yellow library binding
Esther is an Amish girl who must go to school per Pennsylvania law. She comes from a family who is firm on following the Amish ways, especially after Esther’s older brother Dan went “Away” after the public school exposed him to the worldly temptations. Esther starts out timid and submissive to the way she has grown up, but then she meets Mary, a girl at school who wears pink and her hair in curls. She starts to question why everyone is different as she struggles to make the choice of being friends with Mary or maintaining the Amish ways.

This book is partly about how cultures can learn to compromise and accept differences, but it is also about growing up, friendship, and family…something every culture experiences.
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