The Humpherys Family

Wild Bill Hickok

Record Added: 9/11/2016
Series The American Adventure Series
Setting United States
Topic History: Western Expansio
Publisher Harper & Row Publishers
Year 1960
Age 9-12   Pages 252
Description Printed binding
According to the author, A.M. Anderson, how law and order were established in the "wild and woolly" West is a story of fearless peace officers. Their fight for justice is one of the truly great chapters in our country's history. The man who leads the list of these brave officers is James Butler Hickok, better known and loved as "Wild Bill." He knew the West when hostile Indians and dangerous outlaws rode the trails. He knew the lawless men of the rough, tough cow towns of early Kansas. He knew the West when the six-shooter was the only law of that vast frontier.

Few men did more to bring law and order to the West than Wild Bill Hickok. When the odds were against him, he wore the silver star with honor. His adventurous life is a story of never failing courage and of honesty never questioned.
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