The Humpherys Family

The Chestry Oak

Record Added: 9/15/2016
Setting Hungary
Topic Historical Fiction
 History: World War I and
Publisher The Viking Press
ISBN B003VW27LO   Year 1966
Age 13-YA   Pages 236
Description White and orange binding
Young Michael is not an ordinary child. His parents are Hungarian nobility and his days are full of magic, from the stories of his beloved "Nana" to riding lessons. But it is World War II and slowly Michael's world begins to collapse. The family estate is taken over by Nazis and his father is accused of collaboration with them. As a small soldier in the war, Michael keeps the real truth hidden--that his father is working against the enemy--but pays for his love of the beautiful horse Midnight by losing all that he has loved.

The Chestry Oak tells the beautiful story of a child who must keep a deadly secret - that his father, the King, assumed to be a collaborator with the Nazis, is actually working with the Resistance. His father plans the boy's escape on the eve of a great bombing attack called down by the Resistance that will destroy the Nazi headquarters (with Michael's father within), but Michael's love of a beautiful black stallion ruins his escape. Michael is injured, bringing on amnesia for a time.

When he recovers the war is over, his father dead, still reputed to be a collaborator, the secret of his heroism in planning the attack locked in Michael's memory only. The story of his adoption by a young GI and his gradual healing, emotional and physically, in the arms of the young man's family in America is beautifully told. The truth about his father is eventually told; the writing is beautifully done and the theme is honorable. The book has lovely soft pencil drawings, many of gorgeous horses.
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