The Humpherys Family

Hunting the Fairies {#2}

Record Added: 9/15/2016
Series Monarch of The Glen #1
Setting Scotland
Topic Fairytales, Myths, Folklo
Publisher Chatto & Windus Ltd.
ISBN 0701112905   Year 1967
Age 9-12   Pages 288
With wry humor and endearing wit the author transports his readers into the highland of post WW1. Our bachelor and mustachioed host of Glenbogle suddenly finds his relaxed lifestyle turned into turmoil when attractive widow Mrs. Urquhart-Unwin (Yu-Yu to her friends) arrives for the summer with her comely 19- year-old daughter, Deirdre.

While the laird gradually finds himself attracted to the girl her mother has an ambitious list of things to accomplish on her summer holiday—all for the glory of the Ossianic Society of Boston--of which she is the proud president. She intends to collect (on wax cylinders of a prototype Victrola.) tales of Celtic lore from local storytellers; the sounds of seals singing off the islands; even photographic images of paranormal activity if possible. Of course her crowning achievement would be the recording of actual fairy music in the nocturnal woods.

Alas, her rival and Society nemesis, in the undaunted form of Mrs. Linda Wolfingham, arrives that same summer with similar intentions. In fact, she connives to discredit Yu-Yu and install herself as President of the prestigious Boston group. Meanwhile Kilwhillie is roped into these female machinations, causing him to resort for advice to Ben Nevis and his wife, Beatrice. Thus the formidable Yankee ladies engage in a series of skirmishes--outrageous schemes to foil and discredit each other. They prove not the only ones to be “hunting fairies” in the highlands, for the poor Laird (a confirmed bachelor with no heir for his estate) has no idea how to proceed with his probably hopeless courtship.
Sequel to "Monarch Of The Glen".
Book sent from England.