The Humpherys Family

Peter Duck {#3}

Record Added: 9/16/2016
Series Swallows And Amazons #3
Setting England
Topic Adventure
Publisher Jonathan Cape
ISBN 0224021257   Year 1983
Age 13-YA   Pages 423
Description Blue printed dustjacket
Why do they call him Black Jake? Is it because of his hair?' Titty asked.
'Because of his heart' said Peter Duck.

The Swallows and Amazons, as well as Captain Flint and the ancient able seaman Peter Duck, set sail on the Wild Cat bound for the Channel. But they are shadowed by the Viper, manned by none other than Black Jake -- a beastly pirate with a dark plan. Can the children race ahead and uncover the buried treasure before the pirate? Can they survive storms, earthquakes, crabs and even a waterspout and make it home?

As its subtitle indicates - "A Treasure Hunt in the Caribbees" - *Peter Duck* is a book of much greater geographical scope than the first volume: instead of merely pretending to be explorers and pirates, the six children, accompanied by the Amazons' uncle, Captain Flint, and a benevolent sea dog, Peter Duck, cross the Atlantic in search of a real treasure really buried by real pirates.
Though listed as the third volume in Arthur Ransome's "Swallows and Amazons" series, "Peter Duck" is chronologically the second adventure of this group of four plus two children, taking place in the Winter of 1930/31, a few months after the events narrated in "Swallows and Amazons".

Book sent from England.