The Humpherys Family

The Goldmaker's House {#2}

Record Added: 10/27/2018
Series The Sola Trilogy #2
Setting Finland
Topic Fairytales, Myths, Folklo
Publisher Delacorte Books
ISBN 0440042011   Year 1980
Age 13-YA   Pages 86
Description Printed dustjacket
Gripander House, a large rambling villa standing in exofically laid-out gardens, is one of the handsomest of all private houses in the Finnish coastal town of Tulavall. Gossip accumulates round its new owner, Herr Turiam, who is probably a foreigner, perhaps a sorcerer, and certainly a most unusual man.

A young orphan girl Bonadea, sho has previously led an eccentric solitary life with just a hen, Cacklehilda, for company, takes up residence in Gripander House as Herr Turiam's maid. There she finds that none of the gossip is so strange as the truth.
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