The Humpherys Family


Record Added: 1/22/2019
Setting United States
Topic Pets
Publisher Harper & Row Publishers
Year 1962
Age 4-8   Pages 92
Description Printed gray binding
The book is about a husky dog and the neighbor children. The setting is Santa Fe, New Mexico.

No one, except the dog, enjoyed the ride home. He had a glorious time. He loved riding in cars anyhow, and he simply adored the nice people in the front seat. All the way to Cerro Gordo he kept licking their necks with his very large and very wet tongue. And every few moments he tried clumsily to climb over onto their laps.

Felice Romero wants a puppy but her mother falls in love with a full-grown Malamute at the animal shelter. Felice, sulky and slightly afraid of the genial but enormous Frosty, slowly comes around. Though the family cats are less flexible. Clownie and Pussums, however, still regarded Frosty as a Terrible Mistake...