The Humpherys Family

Thistle And Time: Tales And Legends From Scotland

Record Added: 1/24/2019
Setting Scotland
Topic Fairytales, Myths, Folklo
Publisher Bodley Head Children's Bo
ISBN 0370010663   Year 1975
Age 13-YA   Pages 224
Description Printed dustjacket
A collection of ten Scottish legends passed down through the ages Scottish culture is rich with mythology. There are tales of monks and saints, fairies and witches, kings, nobles, and ordinary people doing extraordinary things. Some stories were never written down, shared instead through retellings that turned storytelling into an art form. Many of these tales and legends from Scotland were handed down by seanachies, or wandering story tellers; others, called sgeulachdan, were composed to celebrate a special event, such as a wedding or bethrothal, and recited before the assembled company.
Christmas 2018 gift card from Jared and Rachel.