The Humpherys Family

Ferdinand Magellan: Noble Captain

Record Added: 8/2/2019
Series Piper Books
Setting Sea or Islands
Topic Biography
Publisher Houghton Mifflin Company
Year 1963
Age 9-12   Pages 190
Description Green printed dustjacket
When Ferdinand Magellan was serving as a page in the court of King John of Portugal he met Vasco da Gama. This famous explorer told him all about the riches to be found in the Spice Islands. After this meeting Ferdinand knew that he, too, had to explore the world and find a trade route to the East. One obstacle after another, however , was to prevent his beginning such a venture. Expelled from the Portuguese Court, penniless and with very few friends, Magellan traveled to Spain. There he young King Charles gave him the ships and men which he so needed.
Library sale in North Bridges, MT; Henry's Lake vacation July 2019.