The Humpherys Family

The Springs of Joy

Record Added: 8/23/2009
A Favorite Book
Author Tasha Tudor
Illustrator Tasha Tudor
Series Tasha Tudor Collection
Setting United States
Topic Poetry
Publisher Rand McNally & Company
ISBN 0528820478   Year 1979
Age Adult   Pages 64
Description peach
In the Springs of Joy we see the external optimism and enthusiasm of youth combined with famous quotes from other writers. As Tasha Tudor says in the foreword, the book 'is merely a statement of delight, drawn from memories pat and present.' Yet there is an emotional current of mysticism and wonder, which goes far beyond a mere statement.

One of her personal favorites, this book uses words from Shakespeare, Henry Thoreau and Mother Goose, Tudor "brings their words home with her delicate watercolors, many featuring her own beloved grandchildren and even herself as a child" reads the dust jacket. The jacket goes on, "In this wise, inspirational, and touching collection of words and pictures, embodying the innocence of childhood and the simple pleasures of times past, Tasha Tudor reminds us of the joy that is all around us."
