The Humpherys Family

Sam Pig Goes to the Seaside {#9}

Record Added: 8/30/2020
A Favorite Book
Series Sam Pig #9
Setting England
Topic Animal Characters
 Collection of Stories
Publisher Faber and Faber Ltd.
Year 1960
Age 9-12   Pages 144
Description Printed dustjacket
Sixteen stories of Sam Pig and his siblings with Brock the Badger and his countryside friends.

  1. Rags and Bones
  2. Sam Pig Goes to the Seaside
  3. The Lost Boy
  4. The Wedding
  5. Everything Tales
  6. Sam Pig Rides a Bicycle
  7. Sam Pig and the Fox
  8. The Golden Goose
  9. Sam Pig's Trousers
  10. Sam Up a Tree
  11. A Christmas Tale
  12. A Pinch of Happiness
  13. The Orchestra
  14. Red Shoes
  15. The Thief
  16. The Wishing-Bird
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