The Humpherys Family

Sam Pig Goes to Market {#3}

Record Added: 10/3/2020
A Favorite Book
Series Sam Pig #3
Setting England
Topic Animal Characters
 Collection of Stories
Publisher Faber and Faber Ltd.
ISBN 0140311408   Year 1941
Age 13-YA   Pages 16
Description Green printed binding, no
Alison Uttley wrote beautifully about the English countryside. The Sam Pig stories are great to read aloud to young children or for children to read themselves. The stories are imaginative and well written.

  1. Sam Pig Goes to Market
  2. Whistle for the Wind
  3. Sam Pig and the Water-Baby
  4. Sam Pig and the Scarecrow
  5. Sam Pig and the Hawthorne-tree
  6. Sam Pig Visits the Big House
  7. The Plumber's Mate
  8. The Chimney Sweep
  9. The Cheshire Cheese
  10. Sam Pig and the Honey-Bees
  11. Guy Fawke's Day
  12. Sam Pig and Santa Claus
  13. Sam Pig Visits the Moon
Sent from Cotswold Internet Books, England.
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