The Humpherys Family

Just Fishing

Record Added: 10/15/2020
Setting United States
Topic Nature: Birds, Animals, F
Publisher Publisher, Misc
Year 1942
Age Adult   Pages 418
Description Red binding, no DJ
Ray Bergman, the angling editor of Outdoor Life magazine, was one of the great angling writers of the 20th Century. He was an astute writer on fishing information and observations back in the '30's. In reading this work by Mr. Bergman and realizing that it was written over 80 years ago, the reader can see what he saw and wrote about. If one is interested in how fishing was viewed back then to current views on fishing for trout, bass and other freshwater fish, one might enjoy the insights that Mr. Bergman provided and how some things are still pretty much the same.
From the Library sale in North Bridges, Montana, summer vacation July 2020.