The Humpherys Family

Sam Pig and the Singing Gate {#8}

Record Added: 11/8/2020
A Favorite Book
Series Sam Pig #8
Setting England
Topic Animal Characters
Publisher Faber and Faber Ltd.
Year 1955
Age 9-12   Pages 184
Description Tan binding, no DJ
More wonderful stories of Sam Pig and his family and friends.

  1. Brock the Badger's Birthday
  2. Sam Pig on the Register
  3. Sam Pig's Bed
  4. The Rescue {see link for Widecombe Fair}
  5. Sam Pig's Photograph
  6. Sam Pig and the Nettles
  7. Skating
  8. Harnted
  9. The Singing Gate
  10. The Great Drought
  11. Snowing
  12. Sam Pig and the Pickle Bockle
  13. Brock's Secret
Sent from England.