Climb aboard the Nautilus...and into a strange undersea world of spellbinding adventure! Kirk Douglas, Paul Lukas, and Peter Lorre star as shipwrecked survivors taken captive by the mysterious Captain Nemo, brilliantly portrayed by James Mason. Wavering between genius and madness, Nemo has launched a deadly crusade across the seven seas.
Loosely based on the celebrated novel 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea by Jules Verne and set in the late 19th Century, Professor Arronax (Paul Lukas), his assistant Conseil (Peter Lorre), and harpooner Ned Land (Kirk Douglas), are coaxed by the United States government to aid in the search for a sea monster said to be terrorizing shipping lanes.
But the monster is not of flesh and blood, and soon the three find themselves in the hands of the mysterious Captain Nemo (James Mason) as prisoners aboard the Nautilus--a fully functional submarine capable of ramming ships and sending them to the ocean floor.
At the time of its release in 1953-4, 20,000 Leagues was the single most expensive motion picture ever made. It remains both a landmark and one of the most influential films of its decade. Truly enjoyable from start to finish.